The Walking Dead (2010) S9 E16
8STORY8 2 points 5 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

When Alden talks smack to Lydia, I like how Darryl shuts him down and then tells Lydia when she says that she just doesn’t want to be a problem, that “It’s not your problem. It’s theirs.” I feel he applies that same wisdom to Ezekiel’s request for him to leave him and Carol, that it would be easier. And, I like how it’s left a bit unclear if whether Ezekiel’s talking about whether it’s because of Lydia or just Darryl himself, leaving it up to us and Darryl to discern what’s going on here. Lydia’s the scapegoat. It’s truly the bond that Carol has with Darryl that Ezekiel feels threatens his and Carol’s bond. I honestly think Ezekiel knows better, but he’s at a low. He’s broken down. Carol’s broken down. The plumbing is broken down. Hilltop’s broken down. They have to admit the magic they’ve created “there” is now broken, rotted. But, in this same way Darryl is clear it’s not his problem. He didn’t and isn’t the reason for them breaking down.