Bad President (2021)
idrow 12 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Why don’t I get a say? Why shouldn’t my vote matter? Everyone’s vote should count. Our founders were smart, but they’d weep if they saw the country today. They’d make big changes to what they’ve written if they were able to see the future.

ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You did. It did matter. You really should study the electoral college and understand how it works ‘then’ have an educated opinion on it.

It has nothing to do with the future, what they did was very smart which is why it’s worked as long as it has and so many ‘democracies’ have failed and ours is still going strong.

It gives a voice to minorities, to all in the country not just a ‘couple of states’ with more population than all others.
you should be thankful that all have a voice.

The only reason they’d weep is finding how the Dems want to now expand the Supreme court because they aren’t getting their way.
How they stifle religion, the 2nd amendment….those are the things they wrote long about and yes, would be weeping at how the left is trying to molest that which they thought long and hard to preserve.