The Unbelievable Story of Carl Beech (2020)
Saucer-People 3 points 3 years ago.

Very interesting UK documentary on Carl Beech, the man who launched a multi-million pound police inquiry into his allegations of a ruling class child abuse ring and multiple murders carried out by the alleged group in the 1970s.
It illustrates perfectly that as a society we base truth less on facts and more on who has the most compelling narrative - this leaves us both vulnerable to big fat fibbers like Carl Beech and equally disbelieving of other narratives simply because they don’t fit within the prevailing consensus reality.
In the case of both the investigative journalists who promoted his story and the police who believed his every word, it would have made more sense to have assigned other journalists and police from the start to test the objectivity of Carl Beech’s story while others took it at ‘face value’ and simply recorded what he said - the fact that at the start no-one checked his reported injuries or computer history is shocking and I can’t help but believe that it was his status as a middle class professional that generated unquestioning belief and had he been from a working class background things would have turned out very differently.