To Hell and Back: The Kane Hodder Story (2018)
BellaMia1 0 points 5 years ago.

I really enjoyed this documentary, for I grew up with this man throughout the years. “Friday the 13th” scared the crap out of me, another trauma with lasting remnants. STILL won’t go into a lake. It was interesting to know about the man behind the mask. I admire and respect him for coming back from hell, literally. He’s one of the pillars of horror movies for me, and I feel privileged that he went deep within himself, to share his life experiences with us, his fans. Especially those who have watched him since his first Jason movie. I’m glad he’s find happiness in his life and still continues to work, for our twisted pleasure. Definitely worth watching, if you’re a horror movie fan, because you’ve seen ONE of his movies, at least for sure.

NoelCoyotebleu 0 points 3 years ago.

I never watched any of them, and won’t.