Conscious Capitalism (2016)
Franco 0 points 3 years ago*.

The examples u provide are not socialist nations. They are a mix of socialism with capitalism. Pensions, supplemented healthcare, worker’s aid/compensation are all examples of socialism. Making a living, earning a wage, sale of goods and services is how capital is generated to pay for those socialist ideals thru taxation: both personal and goods and services tax. Sadly in every example of socialism the world over, egregious despots often wield the tyrannical reign of power for their narcissistic, ubiquitous intentions. What you find is the banter of academia more often heralding the virtues of socialism, and Not the patrons of private/corporate economies. Most of these soothsayers know little of the economic engine of capitalism. A teacher, a police officer, or any civil servant, is little more than a glorified welfare recipient. They add zero material wealth to the GDP of a nation. And are actually a drain on a capital system. Yes they serve their purpose under a capitalistic structure. Any growth or value(GDP) of a nation can be ascertained thru the provision of a good or service that is sold for profit and then taxed. There is no other way. The socialist wet dream of some euphoric utopian world is little more than an apocalyptic nightmare. Quit listening to no-nothing academics. The reality is those on the top never relinquish power or wealth in a socialist world. You are little more than a plebeian shoveling horse dung from the stables. In a capitalist/social mix u have an opportunity for all boats to rise, not just those on top who wield the power. Perfect?..No far from it. But man will always be immoral, selfish,envious and greedy..until he relinquishes his sin, dies to self, and chooses another way. Otherwise lying, cheating, immorality remain his only hope. Six thousand years of human history have not shown me anything to the contrary.Socialism or the New World order/Great Reset will only accomplish what I have described..and for most, the abyss awaits.IMO

Alien 6 points 3 years ago*.

The examples sa provides are examples of the only forms of socialism we will ever know. It falls to the richest nations to provide support to the citizens of the world. You help a country and they will be your ally in whatever way they can should you need one in the future. A government, at all levels, is meant to help their citizens. Communities are meant to help their neighbors. That’s a form of socialism I can live with. Right now, we are experiencing another form of socialism. Bread lines. How can this be possible?
A partial quote from Albert Schweitzer- “…Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace.”