WandaVision (2021)
Gellert_TV 2 points 3 years ago.

Is it just me or Marvel fans are worse than DC fans ? I thought it was the opposite but if we get in the darker places it really isn’t was I was thinking
I just came to Marvel from DC after the disappointment that was Endgame in my opinion, to watch this “MARVELOUS” first 3 episodes and everyone is calling this trash because they want FIGHTING, Punches everywhere, action, action and action. We need to calm down a bit like DC did and WAIT until the show ends to have a proper opinion on this, if you don’t like after the finale, it’s ok, it’s your opinion.

dagon51777 2 points 3 years ago.

if you made it through 3 eps, didn’t like endgame, then you’ve missed every easter egg in the show that has hinted to where this show is heading.