Big Brother (2001) S13 E16
Ozzycontin420 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I just hope jess goes. Cant stand her voice. Especially the come on meatchie and maulz. Annoying af

UGuess 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It was smart for them to come at them for game reasons but I do like them both especially Metch, though I don’t like some of the ones who came after them because she should had those same gutts to that when katie was there. Dan remained consistent. Now some others are acting brand new, which I don’t like. I said last week, I don’t like Jess but after what Ari did to Christina I don’t like him even more. I don’t want them both to have a chance of getting back in house with this darn twist. I them to be eliminated and be gone. No worries, Jess is not smart or brave enough to win