The Handmaid's Tale (2017) S4 E10
UGuess 6 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This season was TOP NOTCH AGAIN!! PROBABLY BETTER THAN LAST!! THIS AIN’T DEF FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. This ep had me in tears. I legit cried (still am) for both sides-for who Waterford represents in real life (other classes, different ethnicities, etc.. who literally were treated this way; were told to ‘run’) while the last scene took place and also for those who dealt with all types of traumatic experiences…

It SADDENED me so of how our fellow man, back then and even now, just really don’t know the severe effects & depths of how it can be or sometimes don’t care (psychotic mindset of some people). I couldn’t even see that whole ‘nature’ scene. CAN’T WAIT TILL NEXT SEASON-WISH SEASON WAS LONGER though don’t think my heart would be able to handle it

ShadowWolf 6 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

almost every episode makes me cry, I’ve suffered trauma surrounding my children and abusive people especially men. I have suffered having my children taken because anyone can lie and make you look a certain way in court! Anyway, I was torn between feeling guilty because I wanted sweet revenge….its not really my style, although I fantasize about it lol….sometimes you have to let the wolf in and let it take over but without expectations its going to fix you long term…karma will usually do the job for you but man this felt good! I was vicariously living through her at the end…crying and punching the air! I feel its meant for everyone out there who has been victimized…like saying, “We see you! Your not alone!”, they will not get away with it and btw here’s some justice for you (When she was staring at the camera it felt like that’s what she was conveying, she was getting justice for all of us who never got it) She is such an amazing and powerful actress, she makes you feel it! Its just a very powerful series!!!