The Sleepless Unrest: The Real Conjuring Home (2021)
ShadowWolf 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

“OMG you here that?”, “ Shouldn’t we investigate?” (Then they go back to bed) WTF? The Annoying thing about this is when they hear something, on shows like these, they stop asking questions. They tend to ask if they are present, then once they feel there is confirmation they freak out and don’t go any further than…”Did you live here?”, “Are you happy, sad, mad or glad?”…Im sorry but if I thought I was communicating with some intelligent unseen force, I’d be asking “Where you once a human that died?”,if YES= “Is there actually life after death?”, “Is there a place like heaven”, “Is there a god?” “Is there a devil?” “Are you alone” “Did I know or do I know you?” “Was dying scary” “Do you you visit loved ones?”, “can you be in more than one place at a time?” If answer was NO = “Are you a demon?” “Are you from earth?” “Are you alive?” “Who, what, when, where & why-are you and what do you want?”… I mean seriously no one asks the actual questions everyone wants to know! I get that some are controversial but they are already off the beaten path, so why not? They all stop when things start happening instead of pursuing these entities further. If you really want to prove something exists…STEP UP YOUR GAME PEOPLE! Obviously all this is hypothetical, if any of it is ever 100% real on these shows anyway. At the very least, if better questions were asked it would make it more interesting and depending on which questions maybe even scary. They barely even used any cool toys…I feel it was a wasted opportunity! The best footage wasn’t even their’s lol, it was the guy that was lead to the cemetery by the spirit box! ANYWAYS… sorry for the rant… I just get so annoyed! Who’s with me on this one!?

(⌐■_■) 1 points 2 years ago.