The Platform (2020)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Very well done Spanish film. The Spanish seem to have a knack for more artistic film endeavors. This is not an exception. The acting is top notch as is the production design, directing, etc. If you’re looking for an easily explained movie then this is not for you. You will more than likely be left with more questions than you did going in.

It’s basically an allegory with several possible meanings/interpretations. What I got out of it is that The Hole/Platform & it’s levels represents life & society. We choose to commit ourselves to it when we are born. Each level is one quality of living. Life occurs and we can either choose to accept our lot or fight against the powers that be to hopefully improve ourselves. The film shows the goodness & the depravity that we as humans can rise or sink to in this life. This is the main meaning in my opinion. I think there are political & philosophical meanings as well. There is of course a lot of symbolism too, such as the young girl being ‘the message’ which to me would be a message of hope for survival of the future. She represents the hope for young people to change the societal systems that control us in The Hole. I’m sure I’ll be thinking about this movie for days and coming up with more ideas on the meaning of it down the road.