Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning (2005)
syndromezed 2 points 2 years ago*.

There are some good parodies of Star Trek out there, and some that just aren’t funny. This one mostly falls in the second group, though once in a while there is a decent joke or two. It wants to be Kung Fury but it’s not as insanely absurd (Triceracop, hacking time on a 40ish year old computer, Viking women with lasers riding dinosaurs…that was some inspired madness ;)). Instead it’s more like some of the writers of Mad Magazine watched KF and thought it’d be fun to do that to Star Trek and Babylon 5. Trying to mix the two together doesn’t really work either, at least not as a parody. It would make for an interesting nerd debate over politics and morals and the future of human beings though. :)

If you’re going to make fun of Kirk’s name, use the fact that it translates into Church, because Captain Id (look up Sigmund Freud and you’ll see what I mean) was sort of the opposite of a serious churchgoer. Banging every space babe that comes along is probably not living up to your name. ;)