Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
joeinwb 2 points 3 years ago*.

You are obviously a very smart person. And for the record, George Lucas is no great movie maker. His last 3 star wars films were like watching c span in space. People think Disney destroyed star wars, no, they made more garbage films of star wars, but Lucas made 3 of some of the worst movies, let alone star wars, of all time. Star Wars was junk long before Disney got ahold of them.

Aggr69 2 points 2 years ago.

This man knows Star Wars. Fully agree the only trilogy that matters in the SW universe was the first. The rest were shadows of the former IP. Lucas did make some bad movies in the 2nd triolody. Also agree with your rank of the movies themselves. ROTJ was my least favorite as well. Just coming back to watch em again. Never gets old.