Secret (2009)
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

This could’ve been so much better, had it not been for an improbable storyline. First, the husband-cop behaved very erratically, and frankly, stupidly. What bothered me though, was how desperate and spineless he was to his wife, who clearly wanted to leave. Let her go, man! There’s plenty of fishes in this vast ocean. And when things starts to be figure out, when he finds out a big revelation about his wife, the guy is STILL latching on like a desperate puppy. I know of NO MAN that would’ve stuck around once she was find out. AND, the man throughout the movie, was incapable to keep his composure. Wouldn’t play poker with this guy. And the ending was unsatisfying to me. In all, this was disappointing to me.