Lambs of God (2019)
cfarnold 0 points 4 years ago.

Quite right, greyfur. Atheism has nothing to do with anything other than belief in any gods. Atheists’ opinions on other things are as varied as those of any religion.

Krakken 2 points 4 years ago.

ok not based in Athiesm. a jewish based school did a study to determine the effects of religion in the countries they are based, they found the countries with the highest populations of Athiests, with governments that have no ties to religion were the lowest in crime, highest in education,medicine,senior care. atiests dont condone crime, murder, rape or any other form of law breaking, we know we will be punished in this REAL life, not some fairy tale one where the god will send you to eternal damnation forn simply not believing he is real!