Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S4 E6
Alien 3 points 2 years ago*.

“…it does not “feel” like its old self!”
That’s because it’s not. This is a new Star Trek.
The old Star Trek is gone. Over. It ran it’s course.
People should really stop getting angry over something new.
If you don’t like it don’t watch it. And most importantly, don’t leave negative comments after you do watch it.
Sure, critique the episode but not the series.
Why would anyone keep watching something they don’t like and makes them angry?

OneStGermain 0 points 2 years ago.

“It ran its course”??? Then change its DAMN NAME!!! “don’t leave negative comments after you do watch it.”!!!??? GTFO!!! Last time i looked, you were not our slave master! Have a blessed day…or not!