Married at First Sight (2014) S12 E19
MrWhiskers 1 points 2 years ago.

Kevin is only there to try to bring out drama. Based on footage, I’d say Jacob was the most invested out of all of them but it never ‘showed’. Being very much like him, I could totally see it. Like the bracelet.. it was NEVER about the bracelet but rather honoring the intention behind the gift. I felt Dr. Pepper totally missed that a few eps ago.

UGuess 0 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

He sure did. I am one always about principle. I notice, just like in this case, people try to filp the script and make the other person look bad when they’re true intention was illbut somehow try to mask it. It was very clear that no ill intent came from the Jacob’s side