Dexter: New Blood (2021) S1 E10
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I thought it ended well. Did people believe or really want a show about a teenage serial killer following his father’s footsteps? The ending made perfect sense as Harrison would only accept his “Dark Passenger” if it meant doing good overall, i.e., getting rid of criminals, but when he realized Dexter killed Logan to flee, that illusion quickly dissipated. It’s f*ed up that Dexter made his son shoot him, that made me really dislike Dexter in the end. Good. End of an amazing ride.

In a nutshell, this is how I see it. Dexter wanted two things in life: To have a “normal” life and to live an authentic one. One obviously cancels the other; the two cannot co-exist…unless there’s someone who knows his secrets and accepts them. That’s what Harrison represented, a chance at “normalcy” and authenticity, as he would not have to hide his true self around his son.
Harrison, on the other hand, only wants some semblance of “normalcy” and fights his dark tendencies. That’s why he is always conflicted until he sort of accepts it, believing it will accomplish a greater good.
When Dexter made Harrison shoot him, I don’t think anything was relieved, I think it was passed on. It was the passing of the proverbial torch because in essence, what Harrison did, was kill a serial killer for the greater good. Just like his dad used to, who in this case happens to also be Harrison’s first victim. The other parallel I see is that Dexter, at Harrison’s age, was guided by Harry, who as you know, was a cop. Harrison’s first human kill was just co-signed by Chief Bishop.
If the character’s story were to continue, Harrison’s path would probably be a troubled and dark one, not something a good father should leave as his legacy, which Dexter did purposely. If they had kept talking for a minute more Angela would have showed up, just like she did, and she would have probably killed Dexter letting Harrison free from that burden.