JadeEnigma's comments

Bill Burr Presents: Friends Who Kill (TV Special 2022) (2022)
GeminiSaga 1 points 2 years ago.

He’s not even a right winger. Those who hate him hate that he says the truth.

JadeEnigma -4 points 2 years ago*.

Yes he is, and no he doesn’t.

giggles and sprays rainbow glitter absolutely EVERYWHERE!

Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) S1 E4
irdulili 3 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They did the same thing to Luke in the final trilogy. All that jedi training, you think they’d be zen masters and made of stronger stuff. Instead they’re bereft with guilt and crippled by PTSD. Humanizing super heroes sells comic books but these characters have been so hobbled by the writers it’s hard to watch.

JadeEnigma -2 points 2 years ago.

You so funny! sprinkles you with rainbow glitter and prances off with a giggle

Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)
Piglet 2 points 2 years ago.

The Jar-Jar Binks were a huge failure indeed. I would even go back and watch the first Star Wars and work you way up.

JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

Of course he wasn’t. Jar-Jar was great!

Hannah Gadsby: Nanette (TV Special 2018) (2018)
koolosse 1 points 2 years ago*.

JadeEnigma, I’m with you. I would suggest that this show may very well be too sophisticated for the intellectually lazy as well as too open-minded for ideologues. On a more positive note, this show was well-received by critics, winning a Peabody Award as well as Outstanding Writing for a Variety Special at the 2019 Primetime Emmy Awards. :-)

JadeEnigma 1 points 2 years ago.

I think I love you.

Hannah Gadsby: Nanette (TV Special 2018) (2018)
captaintrips 0 points 4 years ago.

The worst “comedy” special of all time. Nothing but social justice feminist nonsense. I was wondering if this was really going to be as bad as everyone was saying it was but…turns out it was worse. Haha.

Save yourself the time and go watch a real comedy special.

JadeEnigma 1 points 2 years ago*.

What is “social justice feminist nonsense”? Really, I don’t understand.

Hannah Gadsby: Nanette (TV Special 2018) (2018)
JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

This was brilliant and engaging. We saw her perform live recently on her current tour, and it was just as brilliant and engaging. Might even revisit these specials again in a week or so.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E5
GeminiSaga 1 points 2 years ago.

I don’t see anything woke in Star Trek. This isn’t Star Wars.

JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

Of course you don’t. Here, have some Skittles.

Stranger Things (2016) S4 E7
grasshopper rex 1 points 2 years ago.

Netflix Canada
Jun 3

JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

eyeballs you sideways-like and reaches slowly into her bag of rainbow glitter

Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
JadeEnigma 1 points 2 years ago.

I really enjoyed this. It’s definitely Top Gun, but you go in knowing that. Shame about Kelly McGillis, would have been nice to see her, but it is what it is I suppose. Worth going to the theatre for.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E5
etim 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

LOL—If you wanna whine about ‘woke agendas’, just wait a week or so for when the nurse and the butch pilot start dating.

And kissing white women in green makeup ain’t quite the same thing.

JadeEnigma 3 points 2 years ago.

I am eagerly awaiting that particular little side plot.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E5
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JadeEnigma 1 points 2 years ago.

giggles manically and sprinkles you with bright rainbow-flavour glitter

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E5
kerfy 3 points 2 years ago.

not really ..

JadeEnigma 2 points 2 years ago*.

Yeah, I’m afraid so. Sorry if that stings a little. Taste the rainbow!

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E5
NoxllockZ 0 points 2 years ago.

well one , thatwomen in the spaceforce are alowd to keep the long hair

JadeEnigma 1 points 2 years ago.

Oh right, THOSE changes :-P

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E5
expresso 3 points 2 years ago.

I thought the same thing when I saw him…

JadeEnigma 2 points 2 years ago.

Me too! I even watched the credits to see if he was listed as a guest star.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E5
etim 10 points 2 years ago*.

Yeah, well, they were saying the very same things about the original Star Trek…over and over and over….back when it first ran.
A couple (of many) examples—
‘’OMG! it has a black woman(!) doing a job that’s not a maid! OMG!’’ and ‘’Aaaagh! Capn’ Kirk kissed a black woman! Right on the mouth!’’…and on and on… ‘’What’s this country coming to?! They’re takin’ over!’’
Some things (and people) never change.

JadeEnigma 6 points 2 years ago.

When did Star Trek become some woke social justice promotional machine?

1966, that’s when.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E5
NoxllockZ -1 points 2 years ago.

with the changes forced in to day,its a much better Star Trek..much better movies to ..

JadeEnigma 1 points 2 years ago.

What changes are those?

Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)
JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

OMG this was wonderful. Little girl Leia was engaging and entertaining and dimple-pushing cute. She single-handedly made the show terrific. She was TOTALY believable, no cringing at all. It was like Hollywood finally crafting something for thinking people with some intelligence and wit, like people who can tell the difference between “they’re” and “there.”

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E4
Boiler 3 points 2 years ago.

Awesome episode and story line. Can’t wait to see this new alien force.
I don’t think Picard could’ve done it any better.

JadeEnigma 3 points 2 years ago.

Oh the Gorn are an old foe, first appearing in the original series episode Arena, and then in Enterprise (as CGI characters instead of the big lizard costume of TOS).

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E4
JadeEnigma 3 points 2 years ago.

Wow, this was a really good one. Harkened back to TOS episode Balance of Terror and a number of others I can’t recall, where the captain, with complete and convincing faith in the Enterprise, inspired his crew to great things and pushed into victory despite great odds against them. LOVED IT!

Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? (2019)
Alien 3 points 2 years ago*.

It’s like living in a snow globe when Jade is flitting about!

JadeEnigma 1 points 2 years ago.

It’s tah-roo!

Monk (2002) S8 E6
Shameless (2011) S1 E1
tardisrider 4 points 2 years ago.

the linx are i da woods

JadeEnigma -1 points 2 years ago.


The Good Doctor (2017) S5 E8
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JadeEnigma 2 points 2 years ago.

We can curse now? Cool. I see lots of opportunities for judicious use of the more interesting and just plain fun words of the language opening up!

giggles and sprinkles glitter everywhere

Star Trek: Picard (2020)
JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

Season two was FAB! What a w3onderful and endearing storyline that tickles the heart and the mind and the imagination in all the right ways. Best one yet, much better than the first.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022)
BRKUK 1 points 2 years ago.


JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

How succinct!

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022)
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JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

Sorry I missed it!

The Essex Serpent (2022)
Akrimay 3 points 2 years ago.

I didn’t know about this. Claire Danes! I’m there!

JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

Oh my gosh, so many good series spewing new eps now! I’d never heard of this, but like you I am a fan of hers and now I’m totally torn.

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009)
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009)
Vikings: Valhalla (2022)
Alien 3 points 2 years ago.

Fabulous eye candy, too.

JadeEnigma 2 points 2 years ago.


Lovecraft Country (2020)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

Well since he was a racist that’s a given he wouldn’t approve. He’s dead now so it really doesn’t matter. But this show is based off a book titled the same as the show, not directly off of Lovecraft’s work.

JadeEnigma 2 points 2 years ago.

He’s not the only racist I guess.

Vikings: Valhalla (2022)
DoubleR-Alpha 4 points 2 years ago.

Jarl HAAKON = a bl ack woman LMAO WTF
Dude WAT. If you’re going tobe fictive just use fictional names.

JadeEnigma 2 points 2 years ago*.

Yes, this is acceptable as well. LMAO

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
JadeEnigma 2 points 2 years ago.

All said, I wasn’t particularly overwhelmed by this. I did enjoy it, and I thought it had some good things to say overall, but there was no leaping off the couch to cheer moments as I found in other Marvel films, recent and otherwise.

Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? (2019)
Alien 3 points 2 years ago.


JadeEnigma 1 points 2 years ago.

sprays glitter absolutely EVERYWHERE!

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S2 E10
YgraineDance 3 points 2 years ago.

Very, very well-done finale. That’s how you do it!

JadeEnigma -1 points 2 years ago.

I concur!

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S2 E10
JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

Oh my gosh this was such a good episode. I cheered, even as I was crying.

Top Chef (2006)
ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

Educated analysis on all points, very observant and intellectually honest, I’ve noticed as well.
It was an honest critique of the show yet she had to deviate and make into something else.
Have a Great rest of your weekend. =o)

JadeEnigma -2 points 2 years ago.

You have always been so entertaining. I will miss you.

Top Chef (2006)
bluecannon -1 points 3 years ago.

She’s an SJW who likes to show how morally superior she thinks she is. Its pretty annoying. I come to this site much less than I used to because she is constantly making comments.

JadeEnigma -2 points 2 years ago.

sprinkles you with rainbow glitter and giggles as she prances away gayly

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009)
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009)
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009)
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022)
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JadeEnigma -1 points 2 years ago.

Yeah, naw, but you keep trying little feller. Here, have some of this.

*sprinkles rainbow glitter over your hastily made trail outta here and giggles.

Dog (2022)
irdulili 1 points 2 years ago.

Okay so I’m not the only one that noticed that was a thing which was happening on nearly every single page. Good to know that I’m not crazy—well, at least in THAT respect. 🤪

JadeEnigma -1 points 2 years ago.

I’ve gotten into the habit of popping over to the latest comments page and thumbing up all the zero points comments. Let’s all spread good cheer!

Dog (2022)
YgraineDance 1 points 2 years ago.

Absolutely no doubt in my mind.

JadeEnigma -1 points 2 years ago.

Probably the same person who keeps going through the latest comment page, downvoting one thing then waiting for the timer to pop so they can downvote the next. That person needs more happy joy rainbow-flavour glitter in their lives.

Dog (2022)
YgraineDance 1 points 2 years ago.

I think he’s talking about that channel on YT that declares “cinema sins” against TV and movies that may or may not deserve a slap. It’s hilarious.

I’ll butt out now. 🙂 One sin against me for butting in!

JadeEnigma 1 points 2 years ago.

You know someone here is taking notes…

Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland (2017)
Alien 1 points 2 years ago.

I have used the tried and true method of disguise…fake nose and glasses.

JadeEnigma 0 points 2 years ago.

Jeepers, that usually works, according to the best sources anyway!

Mr. Mercedes (2017)
laurie621 1 points 2 years ago.

I binged this about a year ago and found it to be very special. I wish it had not ended so soon.

JadeEnigma -2 points 2 years ago.

Pretty sure this is Satanic, though.

Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland (2017)
laurie621 1 points 2 years ago*.

I believe MJ’s entire life was one big lie. That being said… as far as not being able to go out in public without being recognized is one of the biggest falsities ever put out by the media in behalf of the so-called movie stars. It’s ridiculously easy to disguise oneself beyond recognition in a normal public setting… And that’s all I have to say on the subject..lol have a nice day folks.

JadeEnigma -1 points 2 years ago.

Well that’s not true, and that’s all I have to say on the subject..lol

The Exorcist (1973)
Piglet -1 points 2 years ago.

I did not watch this movie and still have not watched it. I’m not keen on satanic movies. I was in junior high when it came out and every time the theme song came on the radio I would freak out. I would have to get up and get my bible and sleep clutching it all night. Yes, it did traumatized a generation but I’m not going to watch it anytime soon. I’m in my early 60’s and I’ve watched a lot of different genres but draw the line on satanic movies/tv shows. Linda Blair’s career seemed short lived to me…..gives a person some thought.

JadeEnigma -1 points 2 years ago*.

This made me laugh so hard I snorted.

sprinkles rainbow glitter over you and giggles

Dog (2022)
Alien 1 points 2 years ago.

Your silliness with the asterisks is making me do the same.

There’s a guy on that other place that did that yesterday. Wonder if it’s the same guy?

JadeEnigma -1 points 2 years ago*.

Oh I am sure it is. The boomer battalion over there is legion.