sunshinedaydreamz1's comments

Hatchet II (2012)
sunshinedaydreamz1 -3 points 4 years ago.

As slasher films go, this was not half bad. The kills were the best part of the movie. Great inventive and VERY gory kills. For any slasher fan, give it a go.

Holy Hell (2016)
sunshinedaydreamz1 -3 points 4 years ago.

Wow what a beautiful and yet horrible story. Very complicated, and conflicted personal experiences of the survivors of this manipulative narcissist. I see they are torn between regret and joy. What a confusing mental place to be in. This is a great documentary. Highly recommend it.

A Serbian Film (2010)
sunshinedaydreamz1 -14 points 4 years ago.

Well the reality is that probably most are. And the person didn’t say the world just complainers on this site. Because lets be real here…. Only liberal lunatics from the USA would judge a movie they haven’t seen and then try to ban it, without all of the facts only going by what others say. Sound familiar?

Single AF (2018)
sunshinedaydreamz1 -4 points 4 years ago.

Makes zero sense, I just don’t get it at all. It is dumb and bad. Pass

The Central Park Five (2014)
sunshinedaydreamz1 -6 points 4 years ago.

ooh these kids are gonna get bank after this.

A Serbian Film (2010)
TheAbsintheFairey 2 points 4 years ago*.

So what you’re basically saying is that all things that could potentially harm someone should be banned? That’s unrealistic and totally impossible. You can’t wrap your kids in cotton wool. If you are stupid enough to have a gun then bloody put it away.
I haven’t heard of any kids watching it and my kid for sure didn’t so I’m not sure where you get that opinion of me from since you don’t know me at all. There is such a thing as parents and I, for one, am a good parent who would never allow, or encourage, my son to watch this.

sunshinedaydreamz1 -9 points 4 years ago.

You mean if your stupid enough to have a gun LYING AROUND….it is NOT stupid to have a gun. It’s stupid to not have a gun. Why anyone would not want to be able to protect themselves or their family is beyond me. Too many crazy people around. Just like the ones who complain about a movie they never saw and want it banned. The reality is this movie is totally blown way out of proportion. Hostel shocked me more than this movie did.