Ashtré's comments

The Boys (2019) S3 E1
sastarr 2 points 3 years ago.

when does season 3 start?

Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago*.

As of 3 days ago production was in full swing. No date has been announced yet but the earliest you can expect it is maybe mid-2022.

And it’ll be nice to see Jensen Ackles playing a role where he doesn’t have a brother/sister named Sammy who makes him crazy. Considering he’s been using the catchphrase, “Dammit, Sammy!” since 1997, he’s due for a palate cleanser.

Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)
Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

From now on when people say, “I’m your worst nightmare,” I’m going to reply, “You’re not Littlefinger and Peter the Great with machine guns.”

The Equalizer (2021)
UsernameTaken 11 points 3 years ago.

If only Latifah could act.

Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago.

Hey! Living Single was hilarious. 🤣

American Gods (2017)
UGuess 3 points 3 years ago*. unfortunate. It was a powerhouse up until this season, IMO. I really tried to hang in there but I gave up about 4 eps in. I even tried to come back, but even most reviews agreed with me. Perhaps they should’ve pulled out the last season to end on a much better note.

Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

I knew it was destined to be cancelled after the 1st season when 1/2 the cast and production crew left. Then they canned Orlando Bloom whose character was a huge selling point. The thing is this book wasn’t very long. This should’ve been a 2 season show. All the filler crap they added to it… They should’ve learned a lesson from watching the mess Game of Thrones turned into after there was no more source material. And hiring Marilyn Manson is NEVER a good idea. lol It was too far off the rails at the beginning of season 3.

American Gods (2017)
fessologue 5 points 3 years ago.

just noticed…ENDED!!! Really?! Someone should hang for this!

Ashtré 4 points 3 years ago.

Hang the entire production staff. They started out with a great show and a great cast and, season by season, episode by episode, they sent it circling the bowl.

Good Girls (2018) S4 E8
Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago.

😮 Can this get any crazier?! When the levels of crazy have their own sub-levels… This show holds its own against Weeds, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul.

Jupiter's Legacy (2021)
Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago.

I like that Lydia Deetz is a character on this show.

Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E11
ac1d 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

there is no guarantee that it is the “surgeon” that is locked in her boot might be the administrator who fired her?? -just putting it out there

Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Absolutely, could totally be a red herring.

Doctor Doctor (2016)
Ashtré 3 points 3 years ago*.

It seems like a good balance of drama, comedy and absurdity. I’d give this 4 and 1/2 stars if I could—at least for the handful of episodes I’d watched thus far. Hopefully I don’t get burned for writing this later on because the production value slumps or they get a new writer. lol [5/19] I’m editing this to say I’m on Season 4 now and my initial impression still holds. Also, I love that Primewire remembers my place for me indefinitely. Sometimes I don’t!

Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E11
ac1d 1 points 3 years ago.

the original “Mad world by Tears for Fears” is way more upbeat and pop ish and would not fit the scene - jules is way slower sombre and melancholy

Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

This cover is a unicorn. It is so damned good. The only other thing I can think of that’s anything like it is the Puscifer/Lohner remix of Bowie’s “Bring Me the Head of the Disco King” off the Underworld soundtrack. Better than the original.

Batman Beyond: The Movie (1999)
joshmajor1987 3 points 3 years ago.

It was after the series, technically it was kinda in the middle of the whole thing. This series started as a normal release but then they’d skip a year before a season, do short seasons, or even nothing at all haha I started watching this on Saturday mornings after the new adventures of batman and superman ended. Useless fact of the day, Primewire is the ONLY place you can find ALL of the old episodes from every series. If you haven’t watched this yet you should!!! It’s worth a watch I thought

Ashtré 3 points 3 years ago.

I have a friend who is a huge fan of this series. He recently made the comment to me that the series on HBO MAX is missing episodes and some aren’t even in order.

Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E11
Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

That damn Gary Jules song… Every time! #feels How often is a cover better than the original?

Rick and Morty (2013) S5 Special
Caterwaul 1 points 3 years ago.

not bad. glad we have a release date for the new season.

Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago.

June 20th.

Creepshow (2019) S2 E5
Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The way they pulled this off using the old Hammer film is just beyond slick. There’s a slight difference in film grain between the archived footage and Justin Long’s character and you can sort of tell they stuck him in there but it is still pretty good.

Creepshow (2019) S2 E5
BruceLeeFan88 2 points 3 years ago.

I just might have to watch the Horror Express after this! Great episode as always!

Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

I was about to comment the same. 😁

Blood Into Wine (2010)
doctor who 1 points 3 years ago.

That guy is a tool…

Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

I see what you did there.

Ladyhawke (1985)
Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago.

He plays a hobo armed with a shotgun. How can that fail as a movie premise?

Demon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train (2021)
lol3 0 points 3 years ago.

patiently waiting for the DVD quality. :D

Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

The new links are 720p or higher but it’s still subbed (if that’s a concern). It’ll drop on DVD/Blu-Ray with the various language options on July 30th.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)
Alien 2 points 3 years ago.

I should have corrected myself and labeled Sam Neill as an international treasure as opposed to a national one.
I’ll get around to watching the monster movie one of these days.

Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

Yeah. Us Yanks love him cuz of the Jurassic Parks (1993/97/01) and Bicentenial Man (1999). 😉

Ladyhawke (1985)
Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago.

This Rutger Hauer’s finest leading role until Hobo with a Shotgun (2011). And I am willing to fight anyone who disagrees in a steel cage. Not quite as good as, say, Conan the Barbarian (1982) or Labyrinth (1986), it easily ranks up there with Willow (1988) and Legend (1985). This is classic 80s Sword and Sorcery.

As one commenter pointed out, the soundtrack leaves a lot to be desired. It does frequently rank in the Top 50 Worst but at least there’s no man dressed in spandex pants and towing chains making love to a saxophone in the middle of it or anything like that.

Ladyhawke (1985)
TisOnlyMe 4 points 3 years ago.

‘LADYHAWKE’ is one of a number of movies that would have been an absolute classic except for one thing.. in this case the music soundtrack provided by ALAN PARSONS PROJECT. For those who weren’t around at the time, APP was a prog rock band from the 80s who made a few excellent albums. Sadly the soundtrack for Ladyhawke was not among their successes and the synth-led tones seriously detract from what would’ve otherwise been a brilliant movie, it IS a brilliant movie but the bloody music is so loud and invasive it really ruins the effect of the whole. So in Booger’s comment above, “What’s not to like?” Sadly that’d be the AWFUL music which UTTERLY RUINS an otherwisde great film.. Damn! Watch and weep! :((x

Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

2 points off just for the soundtrack? 😲 You’re harsher than Siskel & Ebert. Whereas I agree it’s not as good as a Tangerine Dream, RZA or Reznor/Ross soundtrack the film itself deserves another star. The Spiderman (2002) OST was far worse. It had Nickelback on it!

Justice Society: World War II (2021)
dickgrimes 6 points 3 years ago.

Animation really nice. Classic Barry!

Ashtré 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

When he said, “Right, I saw that movie,” I gigglesnorted.

Justice Society: World War II (2021)
Ashtré 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

These are only ever as good as the cast of voice actors and this has a solid cast. As someone else pointed out, the animation is top-notch and everything looks great. FDR looks JUST LIKE FDR. And this movie had just about everything—even a kaijuu! I was a little disappointed that there was no dieselpunk iteration of Batman in this alternate universe but I guess you can’t have everything, right? This was every bit as fun as Superman: Red Son (2020) was.

I was more than a little concerned when AT&T took over Time-Warner and sent corporate goons to DC HQ in New York to unceremoniously sack just about everyone in the building. The future of the DC cinematic and animated universes seemed really uncertain. But, credit where credit’s due, the kickass animated films continue to roll out uninterrupted (plus they renewed Harley Quinn for another season on HBO MAX!). And that’s good because it’s where DC has always had a leg-up on Marvel. Marvel’s animated movies aren’t terrible but they’re not as good as the big budget MCU live-action films made with all that Disney mulah.

Blood Into Wine (2010)
Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

Legitimate geniuses are kinda rare. The word often gets tossed around as a hyperbole. But Maynard James Keenan is a freaking genius.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)
Alien 4 points 3 years ago.

Taika Waititi is so talented. Sam Neill is a national treasure. But, Julian Dennison, as Ricky, stole the show. A very special kid with lots of talent.
A wonderful movie that should melt your heart.

Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

Julian Dennison is great. He won an award for this. I look forward to seeing him lots more. Godzilla Vs. King Kong was kinda rough but he was hilarious in it. Definitely one of the bright spots of that film. And Sam Neill… I don’t even need to say anything. He’s Sam Neill. lol It was a stroke of brilliance that Taika cast him for that role.

Debris (2021) S1 E9
joshmajor1987 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I agree with you all on the groundhog day theme but crazy as it is I thought this was the best episode so far haha There’s been good episodes nut this seemed to top em, other than the 5 min crying scene with the wife. Could of done without that but I get it.

Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I dunno. The last couple where it dropped her dad was alive still and then the US Gov’t. decided they wanted to bring him in dead after he “resisted” was pretty exciting stuff. It wasn’t a terrible episode, it just irked me that this early on in the series they resorted to using a trope that was used in every iteration of Star Trek at least once and 20 movies in the last 30 years (although they did utilize the idea better than some have). They better not be outta ideas already! 😅 I just hope this lasts long enough that we get some info on what’s going on, who these aliens were, & cet. This is NBC and they have a hard-on for cancelling crap. The lead actor,Jonathan Tucker, I loved his character in American Gods (2017) which was recently canned because production went a little crazy and I’m sad I didn’t get to see more of him in it. He’s a good character actor. And hopefully we didn’t ruin the plot of Groundhog Day for any young people who haven’t discovered the sardonic joy of Bill Murray movies yet! 🤣😂😂

Mortal Kombat (2021)
pixeldust 1 points 3 years ago.

They were too busy trying to write the 4 sequels they think they have. This moving is hot garbage. Its metascore is 16 points below the 1995 Mortal Kombat.

Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

And that’s the long and short of it. They’re never gonna do better than the 1995 film. It’s a classic, it’s well done, it’s enshrined. They might come close, they might make something palatable for a quick cash grab but nothing will ever stand up to the original. I think the same can be said about Tim Burton’s Batman movies (even though I know there’s a rather large minority who think Chris Nolan is the tits).

Mortal Kombat (2021)
lol3rmak3r 3 points 3 years ago.

Everyone quit bitching and just admit it was way better than you thought it would be. It is a friggin video game movie, not a Game of Thrones movie.

Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

Have you seen GoT Season 8? 🤣🤣🤣

Mortal Kombat (2021)
Johnny2Stripes 0 points 3 years ago.

Still using a mix of Martial artists that aren’t good actors and actors that aren’t martial artists. You’d think 26 years on from the original they’d have at least sorted that out. Where was the iconic soundtrack? Just didn’t do it for me. Liked Scorpion, Raiden & Sub Zero but everyone else was average. So many other good martial artists out there that could have done a better a job than this bunch.

Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

It definitely would have/could have been better if they had more actors who could both act and fight. BUT they prolly didn’t have the money to, say, cast Jason Statham as Kano (and would he have agreed?) and some possible choices, like Jason Scott Lee as Liu Kang, are too old now. And it was nice to see Hiroyuki Sanada—a competent swordsman—but he’s not exactly the gymnastically inclined sort of martial artist to play a ninja. But that’s the tradeoff. Most competent martial artists (with a few exceptions) aren’t very good actors and the majority of high-paid actors make the big bucks just to look pretty. This movie could have been far, far worse, though. It was okay, just not up to hype.

Debris (2021) S1 E9
greenguy86 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Quintessential groundhound day episode. It seems we see it so often that its expected now.

Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

God forbid Hollywood deviate from their formulas, right? 😂

James May: The Reassembler (2016) S1 E3
Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago.

Fun thing about these Japanese strat clones is they’re way better in terms of build and sound quality than a lot of things actually made by (post-CBS) Fender and anything in their Squire line. As a result they became quite popular and sought after in the Grunge era and pawn shops across America were scoured clean. The Tokai featured in this episode is worth around $600-800, conservatively.

James May: The Reassembler (2016) S1 E1
Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

Whoever uploaded these is a gentleman and a scholar. This is James May at his best. And it’s a shame because most people will hate it or fall asleep. But James May being pedantic about fiddly things, over-explaining and making witty little jabs is best James May. This crap Amazon has been doing as of late after deciding to limit The Grand Tour to 2 specials a year and making content that will (they hope) appeal to a broader audience is crap. I don’t wanna see James May farting about Japan; I don’t wanna see James May on a cooking show; I wanna see stuff like James May’s Toy Stories (2009) and like this. I’m gonna go mow my lawn now… Well, maybe ONE more episode and a cup of coffee first.

Debris (2021) S1 E9
Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This is an appellation to the entire entertainment industry: Quit spoofing on Groundhog Day (1993). Source Code (2011) Edge of Tomorrow (2014) were kinda lit but after Boss Level (2021) and in anticipation of Free Guy (2021 and, honestly, Boss Level was a 1990s-style “straight to DVD” ripoff of this same idea) give it a rest for a few years. I know it wasn’t the first (or even the 3rd) but Groundhog Day is prolly the most famous example. This plot device has been so run into the ground that there’s a Wikipedia page dedicated to listing movies where people are stuck in time loops. There’s also lists of TV shows that do the same floating around on Ranker, et al. We’re fed this trope upwards of 5 times a year. It’s like… I dunno, like we’re stuck in a time loop and each time it’s slightly different! If Debris does an episode where they all go to an onsen, I swear to God I’m a fistfight my computer.

Boys from County Hell (2021)
Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

Yeah, Shudder’s been such a boon to horror fans.

Boys from County Hell (2021)
Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

A good film with a bit of historical truth in it—good IF you like vampire movies, that is. I like that it highlighted all the speculation and controversy surrounding Stoker’s famous novel in the midst of all this Irish legend. A bit bummed the Pogues song that this film derives its name from isn’t part of the soundtrack, though.

Charlie Murphy: I Will Not Apologize (2010)
Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Can confirm, via Google, The Tenderloin is real and I’m weak AF right now. Also, there’s not 1 but 3 Hosay Johnsons on FB, some Hosey Johnsons, a Hozay Johnson…

Charlie Murphy: I Will Not Apologize (2010)
paul40au 3 points 3 years ago.

Unfortunately, no links as yet, but Charlie Murphy (who I hadnt heard of, until I watched Chappelles Show), is hilarious, and just as funny as his big bro Eddie. Its a shame that Charlie Died in 2017 of Leukemia (yes that was spelled wrong, I am a Movie commentor, not a spelling bee champ). His stories of Rick James and Prince are hilarious-and apparently true!

Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago.

He did a lot of work for/with his brother and helped write a lot of material. Like, ever see Vampire in Brooklyn? Charlie had a lot of input into the story and helped draft the screenplay. He gets top billing in the credits over the other dudes. I wanna say it’s their finest work but I’m a horror movie buff so I’m gonna be biased. But, yeah, I don’t think a lot of people would even know who the guy was if not for the Chappelle Show.

Leonardo (2021) S1 E1
Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago.

So I enjoyed the hell out of Da Vinci’s Demons. It was fun and silly. But this, this is what I was actually hoping that series was gonna be like. Instantly hooked!

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (2021) S1 E5
Ashtré 3 points 3 years ago.

Finally, an after credits scene!

The Babysitter (2017)
Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

Call me crazy but I thought the sequel was actually more fun than the original.

Wynonna Earp (2016) S4 E12
Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

Extra F-bombs because they’re not scared of being cancelled. lol

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
Ashtré 3 points 3 years ago.

My patience hasn’t been so thoroughly tested by a film since Scott Pilgrim! 2/3 of the way through you wonder if you’re gonna finish watching. 3/4 of the way through the plot is just gone and the actors are doing whatever. When will Hollywood realize the fast way to eff up a Monster vs. Monster movie is to have a bunch of people around doing crap the audience doesn’t give a damn about?

Wynonna Earp (2016)
Peevee 1 points 3 years ago*.

To be honest, the production company was in huge financial trouble and we almost didn’t get this final season to begin with because of all that.

Plus, SYFY seems to be moving away from shows like this since both Earp
and Van Helsing are ending.

They seem to have all their money on Resident Alien, their TZGZ animated shows and their hotly anticipated Chucky show.

Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago.

Syfy wants original programming because that’s where the money’s at. It’s why Dark Matter ultimately got the boot. Anything they don’t own 100% that fails in ratings even a little gets the axe pretty easily. And it’s a shame. This was, admittedly, nowhere near as good as Dark Matter but it delivered consistently. Also, this show poaching Tim Rozon (one hell of an actor) to play Holliday led to a really funny joke in Schitt’s Creek.

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
Pad Solo 5 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Great movie for the kids, not saying its bad only that adults are gonna pick up on mistakes kids wont. Like how much would it cost to rebuild/replace all those buildings and the tech? I don’ think Elon, Jeff and Bruce Wayne combined could afford that lol

Edit: Just one more thing tho. If you were in a posh restaurant at the top of a skyscraper and saw Godzilla coming, Are you really gonna finish your meal lol

Ashtré 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Bruce Wayne is only worth $9.2 Billion. Crazy, right? That’s nothing compared to Bezos’ $185 billion. Hell, Oprah is worth about $3.5 billion. It makes me sad he’s so poor. Why don’t they write him richer?

Wynonna Earp (2016)
Fmghost 1 points 3 years ago.

Syfy just announced they cancelled it

Ashtré 0 points 3 years ago.

Yep! They ordered a Season 5 then said, “We don’t have the money.” Next week’s episode will likely be the last. No word at all on any other networks picking it up. ☹

Six Feet Under (2001)
Merrigan Able 4 points 3 years ago.

💯! This is the first series, in a long long while, that made me change my (at the time) bad attitude about stuff on the ‘tube’. And now that it’s here, you can binge watch it, commercial free…

Ashtré 3 points 3 years ago.

It’s been said we’re living in a “golden age of television.” I feel like, in a big way, this is one of the TV series that helped kick that off. It’s a great series choc full ‘o feels.

Invincible (2021)
Yellowbeard 2 points 3 years ago.

That’s not a cartoon for the kids, nope… I like it, my only problem is the head on omni-man - he looks like J. Jonah Jameson on steroids.

Ashtré 6 points 3 years ago.

Funny as he’s voiced by J. K. Simmons.

Invincible (2021) S1 E1
Ashtré 4 points 3 years ago.

This is as good as The Boys. And I love the animation style.

American Gods (2017) S3 E10
jaymall81 3 points 3 years ago.

That was a weak ending

Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

“If we end with a cliffhanger maybe they won’t cancel our show?!”

American Gods (2017) S3 E10
joshmajor1987 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

What a complete waste of time!!!! They suck ya in with the first season and then this season, well I won’t be watching season 3 Lol This episode and all of the other 9 could of been a 1-2 episode special. Not like that would make it any better but still, there wouldn’t be fans pissed because they struggled along all season for this…..Yes this episode was better than the last 6 but still sucked!!! Uneventful and boring to say the least, then the best part is they don’t answer a single question all season haha Well other than “Item 1” being a rock Lol WOW what a disappointment!!!

Ashtré 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

It’s the first lithic flake that was used to make fire. So that’s something, I guess. I have a feeling “Mr. World” is really Loki at this point. None of this was in the book; they about ran out of source material midway through Season 2. I wouldn’t be surprised is Starz finally cancels this out-of-control show especially after all the staffing issues they seem to have.