syndromezed's comments

Transformers (1984)
syndromezed 0 points 3 years ago.

Hard to believe a cartoon whose whole reason for existing was to sell toys could turn out so much better than all the big-budget Michael Bay nonsense movies, but it totally did. And if you want to see a good Transformers movie, check out the ‘86 one where Hasbro or whoever made the toys wanted to revamp the toy line. They start the movie by basically killing off half the ones they were going to stop selling. :)

Sebastian's Unholy Flesh (2020)
syndromezed 1 points 3 years ago.

Lol - auteur filmmaker my ass. Dakota, you need to relearn cinematography. I mean, I like the color purple and all, but the film is shot in its entirety through a purple filter…which has the effect of also making it too dark to see half the frame a lot of the time. That may be on purpose given the obviously limited budget, but maybe make one less of these and use the extra cash to be able to have backgrounds or scenery.

Best part though, was a scene where one guy is berating someone else and says “because of your transgressions I will now sodomize you.” Silly line, but even worse, this is all written in some Gothic Calligraphy font (like your typical emo/industrial metal band would use) on the screen, and the word “Transgression” is misspelled “TRANGression” (my caps). So do they just re-add the text overlay in editing? Hell, no, they add another text overlay of the missing letter S, in a different, slightly smaller font and different color, then plant it on top of the N and G as though they can squeeze it between the other letters. :)

Sacred Flesh (2000)
syndromezed 1 points 3 years ago.

I had no idea Nunsploitation was still a thing :)

Trippin' (2011)
syndromezed -1 points 3 years ago.

2011? Are we sure this movie isn’t about time travel back to 1995? I thought this movie was going to star Eddie Vedder from that pic. :)

The Dooms Chapel Horror (2016)
syndromezed 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

With more stop-motion and practical effects and less “inexplicable” human behavior by the protagonists, this could have been a fun, sorta-retro horror movie. But the creature pops up for what amounts to one short scene, leaving the heavy lifting of the movie to what amounts to a cult of devil worshipping rednecks led by Kentucky’s version of Old and Young Biff from Back to the Future. They spend most of the movie threatening the protagonists (Kyle and his GF/friends), who finally sort-of fight back but in that kind of irritating “why the f* don’t you do something besides stand there and watch your friends get beaten” kind of way. Kyle has the opportunity to kill one or both of them but does what everyone who has ever seen a horror/crime movie knows not to do - he let’s them talk (until someone else in the cult can take the gun from his hand).

And I have to say, when you have situations where the natural instinct is to drop the camera and run, or when you have to cut away from the 1st person camera view to the usual 3rd person view, you need to just not try the “found footage”/view from the documentarian thing in the first place. It’s worse than using a more ordinary filming technique throughout the film instead - it leaves you wondering how the a-hole with the camera ever had a friend in his life, since the camera is clearly more important than, oh, helping his friends (or even his life in so many of these movies). :P

Good Against Evil (1977)
syndromezed 1 points 3 years ago.

If only the TV movie/pilot linked were the same one the DVD cover shows…that one looks much more exciting. The real thing would have been better if Kim Catrall had been wearing that lady’s outfit. ;)

Bullets of Justice (2020)
syndromezed 2 points 3 years ago.

This has promise for being in the “So bad it’s awesome” category…with Danny Trejo, I’m hop;ing this movie will be “Machete: Apocalypse Now” or “Machete vs. the Pork Belly Futures” :)

Trick or Treat (1986)
Dark October (2020)
syndromezed 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

OK, so just skip to about 45 or 50 minutes into the movie, because literally nothing happens until then.

Best part of the movie: Some rando who I think was “Lilly’s friend” in the end credits drives out to the school where the “horror” actually starts, climbs a flight of stairs, and gets tackled like a high school tackling dummy by the antagonist girl. He shows up and dies in about 10 total seconds of screen time and they don’t even show him getting offed. It’s like someone forgot to hit the “apply” button when cutting the scenes in the digital editing software. :)

Gayniggers from Outer Space (1992)
heatherzz 4 points 3 years ago*.

Umm, you need glasses. I’m blind as a bat and clearly see an “N”….just sayin’ :/~ Unless ur talking about the poster for the movie..then yes cos there is a white dot where the “N” is.

syndromezed 2 points 3 years ago.

I stand corrected - only image I had for the poster/DVD Box (or whatever it is) was too small to see the difference between the R and the n with the star in it

Gayniggers from Outer Space (1992)
syndromezed 1 points 3 years ago.

Umm, that’s not an “N” after the word “Gay” in the title, folks, that’s an “R”…as in Gayriggers from outer space.

The Rental (2020)
syndromezed 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is one of those movies that doesn’t know which way it wants to go. It’s trying to be one part “I know what you did…” and one part Halloween (as in, there’s no clear connection between the stalker/killer and the couples except for them renting his stalking grounds). On top of that there’s a plot line about how the killer is also a voyeur - but what’s the point of exposing the infidelity or fake cameraderie between the couples when you just kill them off immediately? There are two decent horror/thriller movies in this one, but the mashup doesn’t work in spite of Alison Brie and Dave Franco.

Night of the Naked Dead (2012)
syndromezed 3 points 3 years ago.

The title is misleading - there’s very little naked and nothing about being dead that’s very different from being alive. Lower quality than even an Asylum zombie movie.

The Dwelling (1993)
syndromezed 1 points 4 years ago.

Don’t tell me Robin couldn’t borrow something off the Bat utility belt to take out the cultists!

Lolita from Interstellar Space (2014)
syndromezed 0 points 4 years ago.

Somehow I doubt this has much to do with whichever Jules Verne novel it’s claiming to be based on.

Agramon's Gate (2020)
syndromezed 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Not even remotely scary. First half of the film is watching a ginger guy run around with a baseball bat because he may or may not be hearing things. Harley Quinn would have been scarier with that bat. Then, Agramon really only shows up a little over halfway through and turns out to be the Ju-On/Grudge girl on speed. Every time she attacked someone, the scene would be edited to a setpiece of the victim after the attack with a bitten throat (zombie bite, not vampire) - a little fake blood/latex. Until I found out that the writer/producer/director, Harley something or other, wasn’t the woman playing the psychic, I thought this was basically an “I believe so strongly in my psychic ability and in ghosts that I should show everyone how good I am at it” kind of movie. Ultimately, you’d get more scares out of re-watching the Robert Englund Nightmare on Elm Street movie for the dozenth-or-so time than watching this one the first time.