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The Jetsons (1962)
Alien 2 points 16 days ago.

Thanks, grassy. We don’t really need the other two seasons.

grasshopper rex 1 points 16 days ago.

I’ve got them. Might as well. Sooner or later.

The Jetsons (1962)
The Jetsons (1962)
Fresh (2022)
slick_cherry 1 points 16 days ago.

That was WILD! 5/5

Thousandaires (2024) S1 E1
Fadcat 1 points 18 days ago.

I had to quit less than 10 minutes in. To me it was THAT bad. If it was the only thing on I would not watch it.

kittyprincezzz 1 points 16 days ago.

womp womp

Grantchester (2014)
Piglet 1 points 16 days ago.

Season 9 also starts on June 16th.

Alien 1 points 16 days ago.

Thanks, Piglet.

Disco: Soundtrack of a Revolution (2023)
Piglet 1 points 16 days ago.

I was in high school when disco hit the radio waves. I must admit I was not fond of this new music but do like it better than rap crap that appeared in 1990’s!

kerfy 2 points 16 days ago.

I fully agree disco still sucks .. lol rap is not even music same with hip hop.. just commercial jingles pretending to be music.. The amount of actual “talent” in the industry is very very tiny ..

Doctor Who (2023) S1 E5
greenguy86 1 points 16 days ago.

For the obvious reasons… RTD already confirmed she is racists. You wanna speculate, feel free.

hellsingfan01 0 points 16 days ago.

That’s the great thing about this episode as there are so many themes going on that you could easily pick one theme and say “oh that’s why she’s acting that way” yes the racism thing has been confirmed by RTD thanks to Doctor Who Unleashed but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it was badly done in this episode itself.

Doctor Who (2023) S1 E5
hellsingfan01 1 points 18 days ago.

Yeah the racism thing makes no sense as if Lindy was a racist then why would she accept The Doctors help in the first place.

greenguy86 1 points 16 days ago.

For the obvious reasons… RTD already confirmed she is racists. You wanna speculate, feel free.

Disco: Soundtrack of a Revolution (2023)
Piglet 1 points 16 days ago.

I was in high school when disco hit the radio waves. I must admit I was not fond of this new music but do like it better than rap crap that appeared in 1990’s!

Grantchester (2014)
Piglet 1 points 16 days ago.

Season 9 also starts on June 16th.

D.I. Ray (2022)
Piglet 2 points 16 days ago.

Season 2 starts June 16th.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S5 E10
tabularascal 1 points 16 days ago.

Sure, in your fanfic, Odo can be whomever you want him to be. He could repeatedly travel back in time and become each of the ToS bridge crew in turn, if you like. I’m just referring to what the writers of this show decided to do when they wrote the script as aired.

greyfur 1 points 16 days ago.

Odo is not a time traveler. Just long lived. And pretty hard to kill. How did the writers of the show make it someone else? I just tossed it how there as a hypothetical, yet you have not shown me to be wrong yet.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S5 E10
irishmark 2 points 19 days ago.

It was all feelings and relationships with every woke concept possible shoved into each episode absolutely shoved down your throat. Good riddance

Boraes 2 points 16 days ago.

Indeed. I mean come on, the show centres the vast majority of the time around 4 x couples. Burnham + book, Moll +Lok, Doc and the engineer, Saru and the vulcan. With random chipping in from the Trill. That and every episode is basically Burnham and Book being the only people that seem to be allowed off ship.

Bring back the likes of DS:9 and Voyager where they yes had a ‘main cast’ but mixed it up with other interesting characters and often shifted the focus of the episodes to them.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S5 E10
greyfur 2 points 18 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yes, and Odo being an immortal shapeshifter could well be that very same person.

tabularascal 1 points 16 days ago.

Sure, in your fanfic, Odo can be whomever you want him to be. He could repeatedly travel back in time and become each of the ToS bridge crew in turn, if you like. I’m just referring to what the writers of this show decided to do when they wrote the script as aired.

Sister Boniface Mysteries (2022)
Dvora 1 points 16 days ago.

For the first season and a half I was really liking this show, but season three has become so monotonous. The very small repeat supporting cast just doesn’t cut it anymore. I like the main cast, but the supporting cast needs a rework and they need more extras. It feels like I am watching a play with minimal characters than a television show. I realize that budgets are tight but something has to be done to give this show a boost. Sister Boniface is perfect though, I would not change her at all.

Sullivan's Crossing (2023) S2 E8
RockieG 1 points 17 days ago.

im happy Sully finally told Lola the truth she was really starting to urk my nerves

Strawberry Shortcake Specials (2023)
drivingflight6 1 points 17 days ago.

I love strawberry shortcake specials

Strawberry Shortcake Specials (2023)
drivingflight6 0 points 17 days ago.

I love strawberry shortcake

Beyond the Tryline (2016)
megangoldberg 1 points 17 days ago.

very interesting

Lost Boys & Fairies (2024)
Macgee -1 points 17 days ago.

What a girl wasn’t worth adopting…… 😡

Lost Boys & Fairies (2024)
Danfis 0 points 17 days ago.

Sign of the times we live in. Wonder what the next 50 years holds for humans.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E13
grasshopper rex 5 points 17 days ago.

“because nothing matters, we live in a broken world.” No truer words have ever been spoken.

Eric (2024)
grasshopper rex 0 points 17 days ago.

It takes a long time and much practice to generate to perfection that look of disdain and contempt. It helps if you are taller than the recipient and can look down your nose at them. Even harder is the ability to convey such on the internet with just words and symbols at your disposal. >.>

Merrigan Able 0 points 17 days ago.

Yes, thanks to the iphone/android takeover of the web, we now have all sorts of emojeez and appz. My sad sack pc > keeps trying to swipe it all away > but the mouse won’t do it… 🤪🎈🤏👉👣🙈🙉🙊🐵😎👠🗽👹💩🐱‍👤

Doctor Who (2023) S1 E5
ct451 1 points 17 days ago.

I thought this was about boarding schools. Harry Potter style :)

hellsingfan01 1 points 17 days ago.

Far from it.

Eric (2024)
Merrigan Able 1 points 17 days ago*.

Lol, yes that ‘ooh pooh’ look. I like him in most of his work, but I prefer him as the villain… Atonement 2004, The Power Of The Dog 2021

grasshopper rex 0 points 17 days ago.

It takes a long time and much practice to generate to perfection that look of disdain and contempt. It helps if you are taller than the recipient and can look down your nose at them. Even harder is the ability to convey such on the internet with just words and symbols at your disposal. >.>

Eric (2024)
greenguy86 3 points 17 days ago.

He’s not that unlikable. But he does have the face of did I smell poo… all the time. And his American accents suck. Just can’t do it well enough to be convincing.

Merrigan Able 1 points 17 days ago*.

Lol, yes that ‘ooh pooh’ look. I like him in most of his work, but I prefer him as the villain… Atonement 2004, The Power Of The Dog 2021

Doctor Who (2023) S1 E5
hellsingfan01 1 points 17 days ago.

Well to be fair we do find that the parents sent there kids to this planet when they reached a certain age so it’s safe to assume that the kids were bad kids prior to leaving there parents side. About the race issue yeah completely agree it felt like a complete and total after thought.

ct451 1 points 17 days ago.

I thought this was about boarding schools. Harry Potter style :)

Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody (2022)
augusts1 1 points 17 days ago.

Thank you for your review. I wasn’t into her much & like you I was more into industrial & goth music at the time of her first album but did recognize her talent as a vocalist since I used to be a pianist in my young days. As the years wore on I started to become a bigger fan of hers as each song I heard came out. I love her now, so I think I’m going to give this a whirl.

yellow_rose1 2 points 17 days ago.

I think you will really enjoy it. The actress lip syncs so it’s Whitney’s singing you will hear. It has really gripped me and kept my attention. It is a rare thing for a new movie to be able to do for me at my age. Let me know what you think if you would like to

Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody (2022)
yellow_rose1 1 points 17 days ago.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Whitney’s music when she had her break out record. I was more a Van Halen girl or Def Leppard. However one does not have to like or love her music to enjoy this movie. It has me gripped in the emotion of a rising star and lets be real whether you like her music or not Whitney was a loveable person. Definitely worth a watch⭐⭐⭐⭐/5️⃣

augusts1 1 points 17 days ago.

Thank you for your review. I wasn’t into her much & like you I was more into industrial & goth music at the time of her first album but did recognize her talent as a vocalist since I used to be a pianist in my young days. As the years wore on I started to become a bigger fan of hers as each song I heard came out. I love her now, so I think I’m going to give this a whirl.

Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody (2022)
yellow_rose1 1 points 17 days ago.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Whitney’s music when she had her break out record. I was more a Van Halen girl or Def Leppard. However one does not have to like or love her music to enjoy this movie. It has me gripped in the emotion of a rising star and lets be real whether you like her music or not Whitney was a loveable person. Definitely worth a watch⭐⭐⭐⭐/5️⃣

Doctor Who (2023) S1 E5
ct451 1 points 17 days ago.

It’s another episode blaming society. Social media bad, kids raised away from parents bad, dependence on technology bad, rich people bad, the way we live bad. Race feels like an afterthought. We got this new doctor we might as well add that ingredient too.
They are all fine scifi concepts and can be thought provoking but they need to cover the basics first. Without the who and where and why; who cares?

hellsingfan01 1 points 17 days ago.

Well to be fair we do find that the parents sent there kids to this planet when they reached a certain age so it’s safe to assume that the kids were bad kids prior to leaving there parents side. About the race issue yeah completely agree it felt like a complete and total after thought.

Doctor Who (2023) S1 E5
hellsingfan01 1 points 18 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

While the episode was good with the Lindy character being a good lead character what really let the episode was the fact that Russel T. Davies made the episode about race when everything that’s shown to us on screen even the fact that Lindy is rich shows that it’s not a race issue as Lindy wouldn’t want to go with Ruby and The Doctor not because The Doctor is black because of the fact that she sees them as being poorer then what she is and that’s really it but Ncuti Gatwa does turn in a phenomenal performance in the episodes gut wrenching final scene tho.

ct451 1 points 17 days ago.

It’s another episode blaming society. Social media bad, kids raised away from parents bad, dependence on technology bad, rich people bad, the way we live bad. Race feels like an afterthought. We got this new doctor we might as well add that ingredient too.
They are all fine scifi concepts and can be thought provoking but they need to cover the basics first. Without the who and where and why; who cares?

Blown Away (2019) S1 E10
deadwalker 1 points 17 days ago.

Favoritism ugh!

The Fall Guy (2024)
southernthunder 3 points 1 month ago.

If you had never seen the original series this movie would have been great, but this was nothing like the series at all. The main thing is that Colt and Jodi were never romantically involved, so that told me right from the start that this was not going to be “THE FALL GUY.”

ronrob 2 points 17 days ago.

Good Moviebut…I agree. Having seen the series as a kid this Movie was way off

The 1970s: Those Were the Days (2024) S1 E1
deadheadmark1 -1 points 17 days ago.

Humm…I remember clackers, candy smokes. drinking from the hose, fantastic rock and roll, playing in the creek, building tree houses and somehow I survived! Didn’t wear a helmet riding a bike not even on my dirt bike. I could go on and on! You did say some, and there are still idiots out there… Men, women and the woke community. Damn, might get banned for this

grasshopper rex 2 points 17 days ago*.

Anecdotal evidence is evidence based only on personal observation, collected in a casual or non-systematic manner. I must have missed the memo where saving children’s lives is now considered woke.

The 1970s: Those Were the Days (2024) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 2 points 17 days ago.

Yep, when some men stopped thinking like neanderthals and most women rose up against the assigned roles that the patriarchy had given them.

deadheadmark1 -1 points 17 days ago.

Humm…I remember clackers, candy smokes. drinking from the hose, fantastic rock and roll, playing in the creek, building tree houses and somehow I survived! Didn’t wear a helmet riding a bike not even on my dirt bike. I could go on and on! You did say some, and there are still idiots out there… Men, women and the woke community. Damn, might get banned for this

Eric (2024)
Merrigan Able 1 points 20 days ago.

Lol, wassa madda wid Cumbersomebatchname? Too smarmy > and/or is it those tiny little rodent eyes? Or is it his aura of, my $hit don’t stink like everyone else’s hehe… I’m downloading it now, as I text you. I love streamtape hoster, so fast!

greenguy86 3 points 17 days ago.

He’s not that unlikable. But he does have the face of did I smell poo… all the time. And his American accents suck. Just can’t do it well enough to be convincing.

Antichrist (2009)
Broadway_Musical_Fanatic -2 points 17 days ago.

This yearly favorite is a perfect SPOOKY SEASON favorite with our whole family each Halloween. B00000000!!!

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) S5 E9
Rodreko 2 points 17 days ago.

Wouldn’t it have been prudent to send a sub space message with their position and situation before they attempted to beam the bomb out of the runabout? Odo is not very bright for an investigator. Also, he could have set up a force field around part of the bomb before beaming it out in case it exploded to protect themselves and most of the ship. I would have also used the replicator to create supplies and spare parts for systems that could be potentially affected by the blast just in case.

Eric (2024)
kerfy 4 points 17 days ago.

Man sherlock has chops.. Very, very good show.. even made me cry in few spots ..

The 1970s: Those Were the Days (2024) S1 E1
Lazeistheman2 0 points 17 days ago.

Yep, also the beginning of 3rd wave feminism. Women thinking like men, and men thinking like women. The best era of our time.

grasshopper rex 2 points 17 days ago.

Yep, when some men stopped thinking like neanderthals and most women rose up against the assigned roles that the patriarchy had given them.

The Acolyte (2024)
Speed711 2 points 17 days ago.

First 2 episodes show on the watch list for Tuesday June 4th

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024)
Tucsonrocks 2 points 17 days ago.

Absolutely freaking loved it. I’m kinda blown away by friends saying Godzilla vs Kong was better ..?? I turned that movie off 20 minutes in it was so fucking bland. This movie is rich beyond measure. The people who see this and “just don’t get it” I see like Proximus’s apes tbh. Vapid and undiscerning. Enjoy your kong movies you apes.

Atlas (2024)
frank44552 1 points 17 days ago.

I watch a lot of sci-fi and this is very good

Adventures of the Road-Runner (Short 1962) (1962)
Alien 2 points 17 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Was Looney Tunes made for kids or adults?
The original ‘Looney Tunes’, in the book ”Reading the Rabbit: Explorations in Warner Bros. Animation,” by Kevin S. Sandler, explains that creator Tex Avery said he “leaned more toward the adult audience.” And animator Chuck Jones said the cartoons “were absolutely made for adults.”

I distinctly remember hearing Wilma call Fred a lush after she got mad at him for coming home drunk.

greyfur 1 points 17 days ago.

🤣 I had no idea! I don’t even remember an episode with Fred coming home drunk, truth be told. Just remember watching all of them when I was a kid. Thought that they were made for kids. Snap, another childhood bubble burst….

Rachel Feinstein: Big Guy (2024)
Odie 1 points 17 days ago.

This is pretty good. I Enjoy her more so on podcasts and what not but I chuckled a few times at this.

Tombstone (1993)
RobotAllah 2 points 17 days ago.

This was damn good! I keep going on youtube and re-watching some of my favorite scenes from this. I need to look up more Val Kilmer movies.

Dark Matter (2015)
starphlo 2 points 17 days ago.

The current Dark Matter led me to this. I really enjoyed it and can’t believe they cancelled it like they did. Almost every episode had something really cool and novel. The android, Zoie Palmer, and Melissa O’Neil (The Rookie) are both exceptional. If we could forget all our bad experiences and memories, what would we be like? I’m game.