LegitBoss's comments

Into the Wild (2007)
Alien 7 points 3 years ago*.

A story was told of “an arrogant and selfish person’s extremely poor decision. A tragic waste of life.” It wasn’t a lame attempt.
It was done and it was sad.

LegitBoss -1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Everything about it was sad. His death. The people in his life (his family chose to sit and wait rather than actively try and find him) and the new ones he met along the way cared so much about this man that they did next to nothing to dissuade him from an obviously bad and dangerous ‘adventure’. The movie was sad but not in the traditional thinking. It was a ill-conceived attempt to make a martyr out of a borderline sociopath ( why were there no friends depicted in this film?) and serial abandoner. This film is a well-made stinker.

Star Trek (1966) S1 E18
LegitBoss -1 points 4 years ago.

Gorn captain has a bad smokers cough.

Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
LegitBoss -1 points 3 years ago.

Nothing but a cash grab. May and Taylor never had any intentions to show the world the real Freddie, who according to his biographers, almost defiantly kept on partying in spite of the AIDS scare until the terrible disease eventually caught up with him. So instead of something that could have ended up being art they produced a string of re-enacted music videos for the typical fanboy/girl and a long lip sync finale at the end.

Outsourced (2010)
LegitBoss -1 points 3 years ago.

Must have infuriated the pc crowd. Screw ‘em. This was a funny show and deserved more seasons.

Nostradamus: End of Days (2021)
LegitBoss -1 points 3 years ago.

I think that the only reason people get behind this stuff is for the exercise. One must reach, stretch and contort to make these prophesies work.

Fear the Walking Dead (2015) S6 E1
LegitBoss 0 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

A fine season premier. It’s amazing how the whole dynamic of this show has changed since its debut. I thought the entire run of this show was going to focus on the first few years of the apocalypse but whether they ran out of patience for ratings or it was planned all along they time-jumped to match the original series’ timeline. Also, I guess I’m in the minority as I am not a fan of the Morgan and Dwight crossovers. I would have preferred they kept the characters and timeline different. As good as this episode is, I can’t help but wonder if it would have been a better series had it played out the way I thought it was.