Researcher's comments

Fear the Walking Dead (2015)
[removed by a moderator]
Researcher 1 points 3 years ago.

Datetimestamp order would surely help to carry on a decent discussion!
I mean, if the comments feature includes a box for marking the comment as part of a “Discussion” then wouldn’t continuity (or sort Ascending /Descending by datetimestamp) be relevant?

Fear the Walking Dead (2015)
christian baden 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

there are some points about this “drama” i really dont get…maybe its just me.
1.when you nearly have a full continent to choose from, why on earth would you stick on a nearly inhabitable half-desert area instead of going north towards fertile land?
2.apart from the whole “bad guy” after “bad guy” after “bad guy” thing, why after years in the apocalypse you havnt equipped yourself from the vast US-army supply with some half armored vehicles for self protection? dont tell me, 1-5% of the population left over have consumed ALL gasoline in the whole states..
3.being smart enough(which is not gimple’s way) to go north, by now there should be agricultural progress instead of “tomatos in pots” etc town farming.
4.seeing again and again examples,how the dead drive themselfs towards noise/smoke etc,why nobody thought till now to use it to lure them into destruction? a valley like in a TWD season,a nice firepit there and some fortified bulldozers to put them in a deep pit should help clear areas effectivly.

but then, since years its clear,all this isnt on the mind of the writers,its an endless self-pity/cruel society perpetuum mobile,guided by the sick society concept of George Romero.
“eat the rich”as a graphic novel…tiring,really tiring.

at last,the how many by now “re-inovation” of this sorry Morgan might this become? now the “avenger of the poor” in Zorro-style?
for Gods sake!

Researcher 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Wholeheartedly agree with all your observations. Additionally, blaming the writers for equating having survival skills and/or inclinations with being soulless and immoral. Why is it that no community seen in either TWD or FTWD kicked it into high gear (i.e. stockpiling, fortifying, planting, etc.) when the sh!T hit the fan?!! Moreover, both shows have seen fit to eliminate anyone who actually had a sustainable set-up…why?!
Annoying !

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999) S22 E9
UGuess 0 points 3 years ago*.

Did you watch the crossover yet? TBH idk which is first. If so, how was it? I intend to but want to when I’m fully awake. I’ve been missing ‘HIM’

Researcher 0 points 3 years ago.

I know! I stopped watching SVU when Meloni left.
So, watch this week’s SVU first then L&O: OrgCrime.
I watched both. First episode looked like typical police investigative (not too bad) but too soon to tell if they’re going to go with the usual angry Stabler. I’m sticking with it for now.
Give it a watch and let me know what you think about it .

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999) S22 E9
[removed by a moderator]
Researcher 0 points 3 years ago.


The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E22
Researcher 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Sooo…suicide by Maggie?

The Conners (2018) S3 E14
Researcher 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Am I the only one that thinks that Darlene was the cause of all the grief in this episode?!! Yeah, Dan did good but, knowing that the hardware store is struggling, what would make either of them think that a raise is even possible?!! Why would anyone take professional advice from someone who’s made such “wise” professional decisions?!!

Argh! This episode just pissed me off!!

Snowpiercer (2020) S2 E10
PonderThis 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

From what I’ve read, she won’t be back full time if I read the article right. Sad, but she hasn’t had that many movies in the past couple of years, so she may see tv as her way to keep her acting status.

Researcher 0 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Flashbacks it is then.

Snowpiercer (2020) S2 E10
PonderThis 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

In the letter she wrote to Alex, she said she had eaten all of the rats and she marked on the calendar 3 days that she was finally without food.

Researcher 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

True, but she could have set out once she ran out of them…after the three days.
The dreamer in me wants to see more Connelly but the realist acknowledges that high-caliber actors might not sign on for such an extended period.

Debris (2021) S1 E5
Yellowbeard 7 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Too much fiction, not enough science. It’s a bit woo-woo for me, and the field agents have too much soap opera going on. I would rather see the lab guys figuring out the debris, though with this type of show one of the lab guys be getting divorced, one would be an alcoholic and the general in charge would be a space alien in a skin suit…

Researcher 0 points 3 years ago.

It’s all the soap opera back stories that turn me off. Started this episode and quit…even de-faved it…I dunno.

I think my current Fringe binge spoiled me…can’t help but see how this one falls short.

Snowpiercer (2020) S2 E10
UGuess 4 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Totally agree (gotta have a villian tho) and I was just wishful thinking(but where’s bone and clothes). Do wonder of the fate of Ruth and B

Researcher 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I vote hotspot and continued rat a la carte.

Fringe (2008) S3 E17
Researcher 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Anna Torv as Leonard Nimoy(RIP)…brilliant! Great sub-plot and so well-played. Really enjoyed her work in this one! 5 of 5

Fringe (2008) S3 E10
bluecannon 2 points 3 years ago.

This is still my all time favorite series. I have the DVD set and still watch it once a year. Waiting a week to watch the next episode when it first aired was so frustrating. I would get so excited when it was a Fringe night. Lol. Enjoy!

Researcher 0 points 3 years ago.

You’re right…worth the purchase!

Fringe (2008) S3 E10
Researcher 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I beg to differ. Walter wasn’t “willing” to let Peter die…just the opposite. He was noticeably unwilling…he just saw no other option. It wasn’t as if he could keep the keys and walk away from the girl.

…bingeing long after the series ended…how bittersweet to enjoy a show so much knowing that it’s no longer in production …sigh!

Servant (2019) S2 E10
Resident Alien (2021) S1 E8
Researcher 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I bet he can grow it back.

American Gods (2017) S3 E9
Researcher 2 points 3 years ago.

Best episode yet!!

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E18
SheWatches 1 points 3 years ago.

What a weird step sideways! It’s an obvious setup for something to come, but what? I have a sneaky suspicion but I don’t want to say and then have to hit the spoiler alert. Guess I’ll have to wait until next week to see it sheds the light on anything yet. Anyways, Enjoy!

Researcher 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Might be trying to gauge Darryl and Carol’s likeability before committing to the spinoff .

Pieces of a Woman (2021)
Researcher 3 points 3 years ago.

I agree! Great performances all around! 4 of 5 for me.

Equinox (2020)
Researcher 5 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Edge of my seat to the end!
If you were to mix the “everybody knows the secret but you” vibe of Midsommar with the small semi-isolated community mythos from Jude Law’s The Third Day, you get this quiet little gem.
Overall, I gave it a 4.5 out of 5…highly recommend it…easily binge-worthy!

Efterforskningen (2020) S1 E4
Researcher 0 points 3 years ago*.

Darn! I can guess at what happens next but I need some closure!

So far, This mini-series is focused more on the investigation (yes, the title makes it obvious but you know how that goes!) then the whodunit aspect. In fact, at first I thought it a bit slow because I made the mistake of thinking that it was a whodunit. Then, I was hooked! I ended up binge-watching the first 4 episodes today (it’s 2am now!) as I refused to leave it till tomorrow.
It’s not that it’s a nail-biter but it made me want to see it through.
The first 4 episodes have been 4 out of 5…highly recommend it!

Kaikki Synnit (2019)
Markerwolf -1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Definitely going to be spoilers for both seasons, so turn back now if you want to avoid that.
So…just finished season 2 and I’m struck by something the Chief of Police had to say as being a one sentence critique of this series…both 1st and 2nd seasons. That quote being “These witches just hate men.”
And I have to wonder if that quote doesn’t exactly describe the screenwriters and producers of this show. Because in BOTH seasons now the central themes have been “Men are evil…women are victims.” It happened in the first season with the victimized women in the religious community…and now in the second season with the innocent wife being framed for murder by her police officer husband. In both seasons the main theme was that authoritarian males will wreck destruction on everything they touch. And this wasn’t limited to heterosexual males alone..oh no. In the first season the show depicted the male police officer in a same sex relationship as being a violently confused and emotionally stunted thug who beat his own same sex partner. So the domineering and power-driven dynamic of Males wasn’t excused as being only in heterosexual relationships with these writers of the scripts.
And this seems like a deliberate attempt to stoke divisions between Genders, in my view. Because in the 2nd season we see the writers mention these very divisions during the arrest of the mercenary who had the poison. While he is in jail he states…directly….that “wars are everywhere…between generations, between classes, between men and women” and he says this about this war between men and women twice. So the writers are distinctly aware….thinking about….these supposed struggles. And in my view they are attempting to exacerbate them.
By comparison, I look at other “Nordic Noir” murder mystery series like “The Bridge” or “Bordertown”/Sorjonen tv series and you will find male and female police officers working TOGETHER to catch the criminals of society. With the two partners complimenting one another. In The Bridge it is Sagan Norien who is the brainy one while her male partner is more the traditional muscle, while in Sorjonen it is he who is the brainy (eh…if we can call his craziness “brainy”) one while the female Russian partner is the “muscle” who can move pragmatic levers to catch the suspects. On balance I prefer these types of shows that do NOT promote the idea of gender warfare between the sexes over shows that prism every action thru the idea of “here is how women are being messed over by Men…always”. I prefer to see a more balanced view of characters with different skill sets versus shows that promote the concept of “every Male is bad…it’s always their fault” that characterized this show.
As I say, to me this show went out of its way deliberately to promote a narrative of gender warfare…and had to do so very awkwardly in the 2nd season. For the police officer to so overreact to his wife’s affair by getting her arrested for a murder she did not commit is a U-turn from his previous character portrayal that it comes off as a badly written departure. He’s suppose to go from being willing to turn HIMSELF in for accidentally killing a deer to keep Justice….to being willing to send his innocent wife to prison for murder? That’s anti-Male hatred at work by the writers. They had to shoe-horn an act that went totally against everything the character had previously done…and it comes off feeling ham-handed. That the goal wasn’t to tell a good story consistent with itself but instead was to promote a man-hating agenda.
So I’d suggest other Nordic Noir shows. I’ve already mentioned 2 I consider to be excellent. Bordertown and “The Bridge” but there are a host of others that have much smoother stories…and even handle the issue of male versus female roles in society and in police work far better than this series did.

Researcher 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I agree with you…in part.
IMO, the women of this community have been victimized (and in so many different ways they don’t even realize it!) but I don’t think the writers are blaming the “man vs woman” indoctrination but rather on this particular interpretation of the bible passages that define the relationship between man and woman. Laestadianism and its extreme take on large families, forgive one another and then forget, turning one’s cheek, etc is being depicted as the “root of all evil” or the cause of all the sins, making it the main protagonist in both seasons.
I would really like to see a 3rd season as I believe there should be justice meted out to Marja’s rapists and those who covered it up.

I also want to give a much-deserved shout-out to the Uploaders…episode 4 for season 1 was missing and it was uploaded as soon as it was requested…as always, you rock!!!

PS. I’m a huge Nordic Noir fan…I’ve yet to find one I haven’t liked!

Blood Quantum (2020)
Unknown Freak 0 points 3 years ago.

laying down lines to trip up zombies was a first. It was pretty primitive, but it surely did the job.

Researcher -1 points 3 years ago.

you’re right! that’s one for the books…TTP baby!!!

The Undoing (2020) S1 E6
Researcher 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Darn! I was hoping it was Kidman. Well, there were sure a bunch of false leads with this one! Ending was “meh” for me but I’ll admit I stayed with it so IMO, the run was better than the ending.

The Mandalorian (2019) S2 E4
Researcher 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Wait! Was that a coin toss? If it was, Cara Dune owes “Blue” (Cpt Carson Teva) a drink!
Good episode, nice bit of action! Teva’s words might be hinting at an investigation into signs of another rebellion…some say the experimentation is Gideon trying to gain the force…yikes!

The Undoing (2020) S1 E4
bcreed08 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I think the wife’s father would have done it to protect his daughter and her family, not to get rid of the son in law. The murder victim was obsessed with her.

Researcher 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That works too but the bludgeoning? It’s too angry.

The Undoing (2020) S1 E4
bcreed08 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

My prime suspects are the wife’s father and the wife’s blonde friend. The Father has definitely shown a darker side this episode and a propensity for deceit. The Blonde friend seems to be getting far more screen time than is justified for the role she is playing in this story. Perhaps the blonde friend had been hooking up with the husband as well until the murder victim came along. Or the murder victim could have wronged her in some other way. She just seems too innocent in this story and is getting unjustified screen time, it would definitely be the chance to defy expectations by the writers.

Researcher 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I can see the logic behind your reasoning. Especially since the blonde seemed to be a little too wise to hubby’s behavior. And dad sure has the means to get the job done but if his motive was to get rid of son-in-law, surely there would have been a simpler, less lethal way available to a man of his means.
The bludgeoning points to a crime of passion so hubby was right in opining that jealousy played a role here.
But I’m still seeing red herrings…money’s still on wifey with daddy beginning to wonder if it was her. He’ll definitely do anything to protect her…even sending an innocent man to the gallows!

Raised by Wolves (2020)
Researcher 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Is the algae supposed to be “manna from heaven?”
…asking for a friend…

Mystery Road (2013)
Researcher 2 points 3 years ago*.

Aussie dramas always draw me in. So much so that I’ve begun to recognize the faces. And so many of my faves in this one: Judy Davis, Deborah Mailman, Wayne Blair.
Then another fave gets mentioned (thanks bevnick!), Sofia Helin, and sold!

Researcher 3 points 3 years ago.

Update (11/9/20)
After finishing season 2, all I’ve got to say is Man! I hope there’s a season 3!
Every episode this season was chock full of twists and turns…most were gripping, edge-of-your-seat, and action-packed. Every plot-line expertly woven into the whole tapestry. Loved it and want more! 4 / 5

Goldstone (2016)
Researcher 2 points 3 years ago*.

This is the second of two movies and a TV series (Mystery Road (2018)) that follow Detective Jay Swan during his federally-assigned investigations out in the outback. Somewhat of an introduction to the character is Mystery Road (2013).
The common denominator between the movies is the lead character, Det. Jay Swan (played by Aaron Pederson)…very serious, somber, and even a bit haunted (at least in the sequel). In fact, any fan of Longmire (2012) will enjoy the Det. Jay Swan character.
All supporting actors are “all in” and the scenery is absolutely breath-taking. Both movies are well worth the watch! 3.5 / 5

Mystery Road (2013)
Researcher 2 points 3 years ago*.

This is the first of two movies and a TV series (Mystery Road (2018)) that follow Detective Jay Swan during his federally-assigned investigations out in the outback. Somewhat of a sequel is Goldstone (2016). This one introduces characters that show up in the sequel as well as in the series.
The common denominator between the movies is the lead character, Det. Jay Swan (played by Aaron Pederson)…very serious, somber, and even a bit haunted (at least in the sequel). In fact, any fan of Longmire (2012) will enjoy the Det. Jay Swan character.
All supporting actors are “all in” and the scenery is absolutely breath-taking. Both movies are well worth the watch! 3.5 / 5

Mystery Road (2013)
Researcher 2 points 3 years ago*.

Aussie dramas always draw me in. So much so that I’ve begun to recognize the faces. And so many of my faves in this one: Judy Davis, Deborah Mailman, Wayne Blair.
Then another fave gets mentioned (thanks bevnick!), Sofia Helin, and sold!

Researcher 4 points 3 years ago*.

Update (11/8/20)
Finished season 1 binge. Good drama! Robust whodunit for a primary plot-line plus healthy secondary plot-lines makes for an easy binge. Enough possibilities to keep you guessing until the last episode. I enjoyed the glimpse at life in the outback; cinematography/sceneries are still kicking ass! 3.5 / 5

Mystery Road (2013)
Farren2020 2 points 4 years ago*.

I binged Season 1 and enjoyed it. Here’s a trailer for season 1.
Also Here is the 2013 Movie I watched as well but I had binged series first b4 knowing about the movie:

Researcher 1 points 3 years ago.

Thanks Farren2020!

Mystery Road (2013)
bevnick 2 points 4 years ago.

For Bron/Broen fans Sofia Helin/Saga plays Professor Claire Sims in series 2 of Mystery Road.

Researcher 1 points 3 years ago.

Thanks bevnick!

Mystery Road (2013)
Researcher 2 points 3 years ago*.

Aussie dramas always draw me in. So much so that I’ve begun to recognize the faces. And so many of my faves in this one: Judy Davis, Deborah Mailman, Wayne Blair.
Then another fave gets mentioned (thanks bevnick!), Sofia Helin, and sold!

The Mandalorian (2019) S2 E2
ac1d 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

“no dont eat the spawn” had me in fits of laughter -not everything likes being eaten baby yoda hahah -and if you have arachnophobia this episode aint for you

Researcher 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Geez! What an appetite! Time to start packing baby food else it’s going to be a “run for your life’ situation every feeding time.
Yeah, just a filler episode but a $1 million filler episode with some x-wings?!! I’m okay with that.

Raised by Wolves (2020) S1 E10
ac1d 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

anyone notice that the masks on the devolving humanoids are like the ones that the giant engineers had from Prometheus/alien and that the alien she gave birth too has the same teeth structure as the stuff in the goo on Prometheus -ridley scott is a genius -i really did not think anything would tie in with alien franchise -looking forward to season 2

Researcher 1 points 3 years ago.

Of course! It’s Ridley Scott; he’s going to tie things together his way.

The Undoing (2020) S1 E2
jeff7777 2 points 3 years ago.

hy, maybe Sutherland did it to protect his daughter from knowing about his cheating..

Researcher 2 points 3 years ago.

That’s another one that’s possible…”everything to protect the family”…makes sense.

The Undoing (2020) S1 E2
jeff7777 0 points 3 years ago.

Hey, here’s a thought…Nicole kidman is the Killer, cause she found out about the affair….I rest my case…!!!!

Researcher 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Nicole being the murderer (the face bashing seemed too passionate to be premeditated) was one of my theories.

The Undoing (2020) S1 E2
snazzydetritus 4 points 3 years ago.

This is great, but my god, Nicole Kidman’s face is so botoxed and blown-up, she can’t even make a convincing facial expression anymore. That is a pathetic thing for an actor to do to their face, their livelihood, as it is meant to convey so much information to the viewer. It really cuts down on my enjoyment of the show.

Researcher 2 points 3 years ago.

Yes, she must surely regret going to that extreme that she can no longer use that which she tried to preserve (her face) for the reason that she tried to preserve it (acting).
That’s irony, isn’t it?

The Undoing (2020) S1 E2
snazzydetritus 1 points 3 years ago.
Researcher 1 points 3 years ago.

Thanks snazzy! I will certainly watch that one.

Synchronic (2020)
Researcher 4 points 3 years ago.

I’ve truly enjoyed everything these two have come up with!
Can’t wait for the HD versions!

The Undoing (2020) S1 E2
Researcher 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yep, still likin’ Kidman for the skull-bashing.
Another great episode…lots of disclosure in this one.
FWIW, Sutherland still does it for me…I think it’s the gravelly voice.
He’s one of the few great Hollywood voices left…RIP Sir Sean Connery!
As always, thanks Uploaders!

Fear the Walking Dead (2015) S6 E4
Researcher 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Gosh! I could feel John’s pain! They sucker punched me with this one!
But I figured that would be the only way Virginia could “fix it” and keep a key player “on her team”…for now.

The Mandalorian (2019) S2 E1
Researcher 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

P.S. I love Amy Sedaris! So glad they’ve made her recurring…as long as anyone lands on Tatooine, I mean.

The Mandalorian (2019) S2 E1
Arcangel2020 3 points 3 years ago.

Terrific start to the second season. I liked the storyline of “The Marshal” and liked Timothy Olyphant’s character and backstory and…not to ruin the ending for those who haven’t watched yet…the ending!
Damn you Disney+ for ONLY releasing each new episode one week at a time…lol

Researcher 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

When he first showed up, his walk and posture immediately reminded me of Olyphant! Then, he spoke and I knew it was him. I think Timothy is Hollywood’s Go-To Man for U.S. Marshall types…he owns the role every time!

The Mandalorian (2019) S2 E1
expresso 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Those Xbows are right outta GOT

Researcher 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I kinda thought it was dumb to use crossbows for something that big. Or at least use explosives on them. Ditch the ropes, for Pete’s sake! It’s not like you’re trying to rope it in, right?!!

The Mandalorian (2019) S2 E1
Jhigh03 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

So where is all the speculating about who that was on the cliff before the credits rolled. My kid thinks it’s Boba OFC, says he looked like a clone and what other reason would a clone have for being there. I t have no clue and think it’s wishful thinking on his part. I’m interested to hear anymore thoughts on it, I’m sure some of the truly knowledgeable SW fans have a better idea than us.

Researcher 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Well, Temuera Morrison is listed as Boba in IMDB…would he have been listed as “Boba Fett Clone” if he was one? Since The Mandalorian is going out looking for other Mandos and Boba’s already following him, I’m thinking Boba will be joining the quest soon. Either way, can’t wait till he gets involved!
Anyway, great start!
Thanks Uploaders!

The Undoing (2020) S1 E1
LVPVS 1 points 3 years ago*.

That is very plausible, though a bit too predictable, if so.
I hope better, darker twists are in store, instead.

Researcher 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Of course! The obvious is the red herring, right?
Especially, since the disfigurement can point to different people/different reasons: crime of passion (Kidman or Grant or Elena’s hubby) or it’s not Elena (Grant and Elena are together or Elena and hubby are in it to win it).
Then, there’s Kidman talking to Elena twice (I think I saw Kidman wearing two different tops when she talked to Elena in the locker room) which would mean that they interacted on two different occasions.
I wonder if the implied sexual tension is also misdirection or implying that Kidman and Elena are plotting together.
Too early to tell but I’m entertained by the fact that I can’t tell, that there are several ways to look at it.
[cup raised] Here’s waiting on those “better, darker twists”!

The Undoing (2020) S1 E1
Researcher 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

My entries for the pool:
Who killed Elena? Doc Fraser (Nicole Kidman)
Who’s the baby’s father? Doc Fraser (Hugh Grant)

PS Excellent first episode!

Fear the Walking Dead (2015) S6 E2
Researcher 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yum! Sugar-coated zombies! In your local supermarkets now!