nikkimckelvy's comments

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
nikkimckelvy -1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The film is good, but is anyone else miffed at all of the million inconsistencies and errors in it? People can’t land on a destroyer like that. There’s no air to breathe. There is no reason why Leia’s passing should make Ben good. Think about all the other jedi who have died. None of their passings ever made any of the evil people good. There are a million minor flaws that anyone who studies science fiction, Star Wars, science, or space will be able to catch easily.
It was good to say good-bye to Carrie Fisher this way.

Cats (2019)
nikkimckelvy -8 points 4 years ago.

The director clearly understands how to get emotion out of his actors and CGI more than telling a story. I will grant everyone that. The CGI is beautiful. The acting is beautiful, but the music itself is butchered. Several of my favorite songs are either bowdlerized or missing completely. The dancing is fantastic, but the numerous problems and loose ends with the script make the movie laughably bad in some areas. “Memory” still makes me cry. There are many areas where the play could have been improved. If it had gone the other direction, this would have been much better than the play, and I love the play. In musicals, less is not more. More is more. The editing really harms the film, but the terrific acting, dancing, and CGI make up for it.

Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
nikkimckelvy -4 points 4 years ago.

The Rock is a pretty face and body who has no acting skill at all, and he proves that (again) here. Jack Black is not a pretty face or body who has a ton of acting skill, and he does not fully prove that here. Iseman, Turner, and Hart all do their bests, but it still feels a little lacking. Awkwafina does a bang up job and almost saves the acting part of the movie single-handedly. Danny Devito is always phenomenal, and it’s a sad reflection on Johnson’s lack of skill that he (Devito) at his age can smolder better than Johnson can. The plot is a little weak and it suffers from horrible direction, but in a genre where the third film is usually the conclusion, this has a feel of a second film and left me wanting more. Overall, worth seeing once.

The Witcher (2019)
nikkimckelvy 3 points 4 years ago.

This is excellent. This my new favorite fantasy series. Everyone needs to be watching it.

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
fishingmad -4 points 4 years ago.

All you have tried to do through this is attempt to back me into your chosen corner and give you the only answer you want . we are different to many species on this planet as they are to us , none of those difference make us superios overall as I have already stated many other species are far more superior in ability etc in their own enviroment than us . If you choose to believe that 1 we are superior to all other animals ( I know you stupidly think we are not even animals pmsl ) then that is your choice and if that helps you sleep a littlw better than fair play . I for one am not upset to know that we are just one of many species of animals that is more evovled in some ways and less evolved in other s ( as we have needed to evolve ) infact even human beings as a species have evolved differently depending on their enviromental and social needs . Remember where this all started , you stated we are not animals and you stated as a fact certain things you cannopt possibly know for a fact about certain other animal and what they can and cannot do or understand . you have yet prove a single thing you said ,. I offered information from other sourses that disputed your assertions and you refused to even read it . maybe you should look up cognitive dissonance . goodbye

nikkimckelvy -4 points 4 years ago.

First of all, I asked for yours list. You still haven’t provided it. I have not said anything at all about superiority since you rejected the claims that things like a conscience, an appreciation for beauty, the ability to create art, etc. are not what characterizes homo-sapiens. You choose liable and mental abuse, but provide nothing concrete of your own. You’ve clearly not thought about the topic beyond what your own desires want. I prefer logic when I debate. You have not asked me any questions about what I believe, and if you did, I probably wouldn’t answer them. This is because you’ve stated your opinion for all to read, and I have not. I will also suggest that you learn to write in English correctly before you attempt to prove your intelligence, because in you, clearly intelligence or active thought is not your strength. This is a simple observation that is based on both scientific and grammatical evidence that you provide iwht every response. I will await your list when you feel comfortable giving it or when you research the topic well enough that you can back your side better. I don’t mind a good debate, but you need to formulate your position better. For the record, both sides have people at genius level intelligence- so to claim that all the smart people don’t believe in God is clearly false. You’ve never directly claimed that, but it has been implied many times.

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
fishingmad -3 points 4 years ago.

But that list would be purely subjective , anc you know it . you are being deliberately obtuse and very boring

nikkimckelvy -3 points 4 years ago.

Taxonomy is the scientific classification of things in the material world, do no it’s not subjective. You could, if you choose to do so, simply use the criteria that taxonomists use to classify homo-sapiens. Do I have to tell you how to defend your own point? What’s your list?

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
fishingmad -4 points 4 years ago.

I have answered you just refuse to see it , you want me to list what seprates us from other animals and I clearly said there are many things that seprateall animals . You want me to say appreciation for beauty but many animals show an appreciation for beauty . OUr use of tools , but quite a few animals use tools . we do however wage war on our own kind there are only 2 other animals that do that . The fact is there is actually very little that seperates us and certainly nothing that exhalts us above all other animals

nikkimckelvy -3 points 4 years ago.

I simply asked you to list what separates us as animals from other animal species. You have yet to do that. You seem intent on insulting people whose views are different from yours but you posit nothing of your own. I suspect this is because you have never thought of it and are unable to. The two questions I have asked are, “Do you see these things (i.e. an appreciation of beauty, a conscience, etc…) as defining characteristics for humanity?” You’ve answered, “No,” My second question, “What are your defining characteristics for humanity?,” you have yet to answer. A list would work- preferably comprehensive.

Venom (2018)
nikkimckelvy -4 points 4 years ago.

RIP Stan Lee. Good for a one-time watch.

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
fishingmad 1 points 4 years ago.

Dolphins use echo location a sense we barely understand let alone have that makes them far superior in their enviroment than we would be , infact many animals have abilities etc that are far superior to us and seperate them distinctly from humans , Does that make them superior overall , of course not . You are very arrogantly and narrow-mindedly attempting to raise humans above all over animals based on nothing more than your opinions . You are wrong

nikkimckelvy -4 points 4 years ago.

Not even close. I didn’t ask you to define the attributes of other animals. I asked you to characterize humans. You’ve still failed to give the criteria that you believe separates humans from other animals. You are correct in part of your characteristics for dolphins. Now what about humans?

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
kingarco66 -2 points 4 years ago.

thats just a load of shit mate :) ethics were pioneered by Socrates .. a famous atheist

nikkimckelvy -3 points 4 years ago.

FYI, Socrates just rejected all the Grecian gods. Aristotle also just rejected all the Grecian gods, but he said that if there were a god, there would only be one. This being would be an extremely moral, intelligent being and that all life would naturally just try to immolate him. He called this being the “Prime Mover.” I don’t agree with Aristotle in much, but given what he had to go on, this was one area where he nearly got it right.

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
fishingmad 2 points 4 years ago.

Then no , we are not the only animal that appreciates beauty so it cannot be used solely as an identifier for the homosapien species

nikkimckelvy -9 points 4 years ago.

Let me paraphrase your answer. Humans are animals, but our conscience, laws, morals, art, architecture, etc are not what identifies us as a species. What does then? Clearly, even as animals, we are a separate species from every other animal on the planet.

Faking It: Tears of a Crime (2017) S2 E2
nikkimckelvy -4 points 4 years ago.

Fascinating series! I can’t wait for the next one! Anyone who likes true crime and documentaries will love this.

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
fishingmad 2 points 4 years ago.

your question isnt only a question though is it ? you have made it a statement . you are trying to get me to say that these “concepts “ are identifiers for the homosapien species but have left out that these “concepts” also apply to other higher mammals , that I suspect is why you have ignored the links I posted

nikkimckelvy -6 points 4 years ago.

The links you posted are someone else’s opinion. I asked for yours. Which other animal looks at a majestic mountain range and appreciates it’s beauty? Which other animal will go to a ballet and marvel at how fluidly the dancers move or will stop to admire the artists work in a beautiful painting? My question was, “Am I correct in assuming that you consider these things to be identifiers of us as a species?” You completely ignored that, and the answer is simply, “Yes,” or, “No.” You may choose to elaborate if you like, and I would like it if you did.

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
fishingmad 1 points 4 years ago.
nikkimckelvy -8 points 4 years ago.

Basically, you refuse to answer the question. You just site someplace else, right? Show me the simple courtesy of an answer. You either consider these concepts to be identifiers for the homosapien species or you don’t. It’s yes or no.

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
fishingmad 0 points 4 years ago.

Nikki you are wrong , first off , that is a HUGE leap to say because we can feel “right or wrong , uncaring or wrathful “ that must be because of a “diety “ there are many higher mamals That show very complex emmotions similar to us wales , dolphins , nealry all of the large primates . You are trying to show that we are superior and not animals at all , we are highly evolved animals in our own enviroment less evovled in others . You make a lot of assumptions about what “animals “ can and cannot feel but even if you are correct all that shows is a different level of evolution .

nikkimckelvy -6 points 4 years ago.

First of all, you’re putting words in my mouth. The only argument I have made is not the existence of a deity or deities but simply that because. humans possess things like an appreciation for beauty, an understanding of morality, a conscience, etc… means that we are not animals. That is not an argument you accept. Am I correct in assuming that you consider these things to be identifiers of us as a species?

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
fishingmad 4 points 4 years ago.

usual load of tosh “ the world is to amazing to be an accident “ the increduality fallacy . Just because we dont understand something doesnt mean we can invent a devine being to explain it , Nothing comes from nothing ! what about God ? oh except him conveniently ,!! where’s your proof ? I have none but it but the world is to amazing to be an accident . So an uncaring , invisible ever watching but wrathful God is watching , he loves us all but if you dont believe in him you will burn in hell , because we all have free will, that he gave to us hahahahaha

nikkimckelvy -10 points 4 years ago.

I would like to address your argument as a former atheist. First of all, if we are animals without any deity (I’m not arguing which diety or religious book), right and wrong, uncaring, wrathful would not exist. A pet dog or cat can’t feel wrath or understand the concept of, “uncaring,” These are both examples of things that animals can’t experience but humans can. If we are animals, that’s not possible. There are tons of other examples of this. Do you have a conscience? Animals don’t. Do you have an appreciation for beauty? Animals don’t. The fact that you can judge a deity as uncaring proves that you’re not an animal. Your own logic is fallacious. The crimes of Hitler and Nero would not be bad or good. They would equal with the majesty of Victoria Falls. I’m not arguing the existence of God right now- just that there is a measure of good and bad. This measure would not exist if we were animals.

The Conspirator (2011)
nikkimckelvy -1 points 4 years ago.

Excellent drama. Beautifully acted. Historians debate Mary Surratt’s guilt or innocence to this day. It’s unexpectedly good.

Inside the Body of Henry VIII (2008)
nikkimckelvy -4 points 4 years ago.

This program ends about 5 minutes early. Other than that it’s interesting.

Charlie's Angels (2019)
greyfur -4 points 4 years ago.

No, we are not, and never have been, a Democracy. Remember your pledge of allegiance?We are a Republic. There is a big difference between the two. In a Democracy, the majority rules, they want your bike, they take your bike, a Republic, there are laws that say other wise. That’s the difference between the protection of individual rights and no protection of individual rights. Same with property rights.
Democracies have a better chance of ending up in tyranny, whereas not so much with a Republic, but then, look where we are now, people have been told for so long that we are a Democracy that they have started to believe it, the pledge is hardly taught in schools, Socialism is being taught as if it were the best way to go, and through out history it has done nothing but brought misery to countless millions of people all over the planet, and now kids are clamoring for it, having now clue what they are asking for.
They are saying that it would be fine to do away with the First Amendment, having no idea what they are saying; Man, I’m 58, and have been watching whats been going on very closely, all kinds of news from all kinds of sources, from all kinds of angles. Not just one, mind you, trying to tear it all apart.
One thing I have concluded. People in power, they have been there a long time, they want to stay there, and will do anything to keep it. they don’t give a damn about this country, the Constitution, the people. They only care about the power, the $, and all that goes with it. And there is only one way to get rid of them, and i’m afraid the time for that may well be long past….

nikkimckelvy -4 points 4 years ago.

It’s a representative republic, a.k.a a representative democracy. The “they want, they take,” you describe is actually communism, socialism, or fascism depending on the power setup. I agree that pure democracies fail, but I get tired of the “Everyone is equal in a democracy,” attitude. That’s crap. Democracies aren’t about equality. Communism and Socialism are about equality. Representative republics are about majority rules. Minorities will never have equality in a pure representative republic. That’s not fair, but that’s life. There is no government in the world that is fair.

Yentl (1984)
nikkimckelvy -2 points 4 years ago.

A classic! Wonderful!

Flash Gordon (1980)
nikkimckelvy -1 points 4 years ago.

This is my favorite version of the film. I love it. You can’t beat class, “B” movies! It’s bad acting, terrible costumes and great fun! This is the comic book hero who needs to come back- this and Condor Man.

Charlie's Angels (2019)
greyfur -4 points 4 years ago.

Just got done reading an article a few days ago where some LGBTQ group is trying to get Disney to make every major character trans or somesuch by 2026. Way over the top. And Disney is or was all about kids shows, once upon a time, or family oriented. I can see a lot of families banning Disney in the home in the near future if this happens.

nikkimckelvy -5 points 4 years ago.

What I don’t understand is this: We live in a democracy. Democracy is, “Majority rules.” The majority is heterosexuality. The entire definitions of both tolerance and acceptance are both that, to tolerate and to accept-not include. If we wish to include the GLBTQ community in all cinematic representations, then we also need to be including all other minorities equally so. The Latin American and African American communities aren’t depicted nearly as much in films, and the Latin American community is due to be come the majority in America by the year 2030. Why don’t we have all of our films in Spanish, Portugues, Italian, or Castillian?

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
nikkimckelvy -4 points 4 years ago.

Definitely a fictionalized account of what happened that night. Unbelievable. The only good thing about this is the original Sharon Tate. I’ve studied those murders, and I don’t recommend it. The costuming is good. That’s it. Don’t watch.

Arrow (2012) S8 E5
nikkimckelvy -2 points 4 years ago.

Surprises, surprises, surprises!

Autopsy: The Last Hours Of... (2014)
Madamx28 4 points 4 years ago.

I really wish they would post them. I love this show! I’ll keep checking back from time to time and hopefully one day the links will be there.

nikkimckelvy -1 points 4 years ago.

I couldn’t agree more. I’ve asked repeatedly.

Nancy Drew (2019) S1 E6
nikkimckelvy -2 points 4 years ago.

Sorry. This was this show’s last chance. It’s on my off list.

The Wonderful World of Crafting (2019) S1 E4
nikkimckelvy -1 points 4 years ago.

Wonderful tip on hand dying using natural products. Thanks for that.

Edward VIII: The Lion King (2013)
nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago.

Large parts of this show were filmed before ratings, and it really needs to have a warning that the film and video are very graphic, heartbreaking, and gross. I couldn’t watch some of the mass slaughter scenes. It’s well done, but this is definitely for adults only. The prince did a very good job in alerting the public to the senseless slaughter of these animals.

Africa's Great Civilizations (2017) S1 E2
kingarco66 -1 points 4 years ago.

i thought the first christian emperor was justinian, and all the constantines after (?)

nikkimckelvy -1 points 4 years ago*.

There is debate as to if Constantine converted on his deathbed or not. Even if he didn’t convert, his kingdom was divided between this three sons. His son Constantine II was well known for being a Christian. One or the other would have been the first Christian Roman emperor. Justinian was 200 years later. That’s Wikipedia.

Africa's Great Civilizations (2017) S1 E2
nikkimckelvy -1 points 4 years ago.

The point about Constantine is debated. It is much morel likely that if he did convert to Christianity, it was on his deathbed years later. He received a vision stating, “In this sign, you will prosper,” and that sign was a cross. For that reason, he stopped persecuting the Christians around 325 AD, but his actual conversion, if it happened at all, wasn’t until his deathbed. The documentary also doesn’t mention the African philosophers who helped to influence both Christianity and Islam- St. Augustine for example.

Forged in Fire (2015) S7 E5
nikkimckelvy -2 points 4 years ago.

He should have come out dressed as the Grim Reaper. That would have been good!

Batwoman (2019) S1 E4
ShinmenTakezo 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Question: is there any lead male superhero with that combination?
OK, The Flash is now married on the TV show and for a season had an instant adult daughter who was also a superhero. Doesn’t exactly fit the bill. Black Lightning? Daughters are superheros also. Oliver Queen’s family situation was just starting to maybe stabilize just in time for him to be killed off.

My superhero knowledge is limited to TV and movies and even that is incomplete. So any examples of a superhero balancing a real normal family life would truly enlighten me. The Incedibles? :D

nikkimckelvy 1 points 4 years ago.


Africa's Great Civilizations (2017) S1 E1
nikkimckelvy 2 points 4 years ago.

Fascinating documentary. I haven’t studied this in over a decade, and it is great to be able to see how our knowledge has increased just in that time frame. Very interesting.

Nancy Drew (2019) S1 E3
nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago.

I think this is just CW’s way of stereotyping. I loved Nancy Drew as a girl. She is in the books, a good example of a single woman who is in a man’s job and takes on a man’s role, and she does it beautifully. I don’t mind that the CW made Ned Nickerson African American. I mind that there is only one African American, and he is the only convict. There are several other white characters who would have had a much deeper characterization if they’d turned them into convicts, and finally given the population a good, strong, intelligent black man who fights for what isr right- something “Nick” has done since he first appeared in the series.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E4
greyfur 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Good point. CW is always pushing the SJW agenda, or the LGBTQ one, every show they have out there that is superhero anyway, either the leads, or at least some of the major people in the show have to be gay or mixed relationships. Seems there can’t be anything else anymore for them. Has to be just that. Nothing like a normal man woman (or heaven forbid, man woman of the same race, no matter what that race might be) relationship. I’ve stopped watching several shows on account of that, as they have actually taken the joy out of some of the characters on account of it.
One example is Supergirl. They went totally off the rails with that show. Got one that is a Transgender they gave ‘powers’ to now called ‘Dreamer’ (not so subtle SJW hint there) who turned out to be Brainiac’s love interest who is a member of the Legion of Superheros from the future. That was just too much for me. Really loved the Legion, grew up with them as a kid, and considered that one liberty too damn many.
Putting this as a spoiler in case people read this and watch Supergirl and have not watched this far. Don’t want to ruin it for those that do like the show.
The point I’m trying to make is, too much is too much, there are limits. They are way overdoing it.

nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I’m agreeing. Male homosexuality is only 10% of the male population, and female homosexuality is only 5% of the female population. That’s a very small demographic. If television is a fantasy world, and we watch it because we want to live our fantasies, then the much larger demographic is a heterosexual woman who has to do a man’s job and all the judgment and B.S. she has to face doing it. I’m speaking from experience. I’m not against gay men or women at all, but I am tired of a single, agressive woman who has to kick butt and not be heterosexual. If they turn Batwoman into a home wrecker, then I’m not watching anymore.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E4
MissMorgue 3 points 4 years ago.

I am going to have to disagree with you, because you did offend with your comment. Because I was not at all complaining about how they made her a lesbian, I was merely commenting about the speed in which the show chose to give us this relationship.

Your comment suggests that the removal of Kate Kane’s sexuality as a open Lesbian and having her do things like having a child or being a serial dater is seriously a prefered norm. That is a warped way to state that you do not want to see people of other orientations on your screen.

nikkimckelvy -5 points 4 years ago.

I stand corrected for the history of it, and I honestly did not mean to offend. I apologize for that. I honestly don’t care if she is gay or not. What I do care about is that there is no lead, female superheroine in comic books who have to balance a social life and family with crimefighting. This would, in my opinion, appeal to every woman in the armed forces, police department, fire department, and every single mother who has to take on mind blowing odds just to raise a family and be good person in today’s society. Kate Kane is trying to do that as a lesbian, and that’s fine. Where is that equivalent as a heterosexual woman?

Batwoman (2019) S1 E4
doow90 0 points 4 years ago.

It isn’t like they made her gay specifically for this show :/ … She is a gay comic book character and has been such since her debut in DC.

nikkimckelvy 1 points 4 years ago.

Beg to differ. She started out in the 1960’s as Batgirl. She was police commissioner Gordon’s daughter, and she was a potential love interest for Adam West’s batman. Besides, my comment was not about the character’s being gay so much as it is about there not being one, lead female comic book superhero who has to balance dating and/or family with supernatural powers. Yes, Wonderwoman has her man, but she doesn’t get to date around. Jessica Jones sleeps around, but you never see her in loving relationships. Susan Storm isn’t the lead. That leaves what? Alien? That’s not a comic book.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E4
MissMorgue 0 points 4 years ago.


And yet even as I say this, it’s very on brand for the Lesbian stereotypes. Including the running into our ex’s EVERYWHERE.

nikkimckelvy -3 points 4 years ago.

I agree. No offense, I don’t think they should have made her gay. I, personally, would prefer a single woman who dates around and maybe has a child at home. Trust me, finding someone who isn’t intimidated by that can be extremely difficult!

Halloween Wars (2011) S9 E5
nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago.

I have to differ with the luges. There was no way that design should have won. The other was much better! Also, they need to show the winning design at the very end.

Batwoman (2019)
nikkimckelvy 1 points 4 years ago.

I really hope they don’t turn Batwoman into a home wrecker.

The Bureau of Magical Things (2018)
nikkimckelvy 4 points 4 years ago.

This program is like “The Librarians,” and “Warehouse 13” but for kids. It’s not bad! I hope it has a second season.

Freakshow Cakes (2019) S1 E3
nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

All of the episodes cut off at about thirty second before the winner is revealed, so I’m telling you the winner now. The winner is the guy with the large fortune teller, the tons of figurines and the tent on fire. I could just say it’s the guy because the other two are girls.

Self Storage (2002)
nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Self Storage is drama starring Rainn Wilson. It’s a modern variation of, “A Cask of Amantillado,” by E. A. Poe. I do want to write the synopsis, but there isn’t a synopsis link anymore. Consequently, I’m writing that this contains spoilers.

Plebs (2013) S4 E1
Siks 0 points 4 years ago.

The actor got offers to appear on GoT and a few movies. Yeah, good for him, but the show just isn’t what it was

nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago.

I know. This was his break. I still miss him, though. It’s too bad they couldn’t work around it schedule wise.

Plebs (2013) S4 E1
nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago.

I miss Stylus. I wonder why they replaced him. He was good.

Nancy Drew (2019)
nikkimckelvy -3 points 4 years ago.

Anyone who reads the series all ready knows who the culprit has to be. It’s not keeping my interest, and I loved the series as a kid. Would’t this have been better to turn this into a new mystery every week as opposed to the same, convoluted, interminable mystery?

Plebs (2013)
nikkimckelvy 5 points 4 years ago.

This show is hilarious! Very enjoyable!

Aladdin and His Wonder Lamp (Short 1906)
nikkimckelvy 1 points 4 years ago.

Sometimes I think I’m the only person in the world who still loves to watch these classics. The special effects, for it’s day, are breathtaking. I love watching the stage exaggerations done on screen. They should not have added the color to it. Keeping it in the original would have been better for the lighting. If you love to watch movies that are before talkies, this is a good one. I recommend it.

Neanderthal Apocalypse (2017) S1 E2
kingarco66 -2 points 4 years ago*.

i think the idea is that if a volcano did wipe em out, all other issues are redundant

nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago.

That’s what I’m saying. The volcano isn’t the only theory as to what killed them all. Another theory that ins’t explored much is that they had inferior immune systems. A third theory is that humans had domesticated wolves and Neanderthals hadn’t. This would have provided extra meat, more protection for the clan, and an ability for single mothers to provide food for nursing babies (wolves hunt while she stays in the cave). Wolves also engage in coprophagia which means humans weren’t living in their own filth, and Neanderthals were. The volcanic eruption could have just been a coincidence, contributing factor, or had no effect. It’s one sided on the debate.

The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell (2018)
nikkimckelvy 1 points 4 years ago.

I really like this show. It’s a little bit like “The Munsters,” meets Paula Dean. It’s fantastic for Halloween, but I really, really wish they had made the instructions simpler so that a layperson could make these things, and I wish they had made more episodes.