GENEAH's comments

Bering Sea Gold (2012) S12 E17
Canuckian 1 points 3 years ago.

The Kellys are always fun to watch, they are kind of like the comedy relief of the show, but Kris Kelly really does seem to be trying his hardest to raise his family up. The father and brother would be lost without Kris as far as i’m concerned..and i STILL think the Dad is high on the “yayo” lol..i mean, he has the squiggly jaw hen he talks…anyone who has ever “dabbled” or is familiar with people who have know what i mean by wiggly jaw lol. I think Kris Kelly should take the new girl, Shauna, who has proven herself already and maybe get another person ( NOT family) and go out on his own and lets see how far his brother and Dad go without Kris there to motivate them and get shit started. Kris really would really be far better off on his own with a different crew other than his family who only seem to bring him down..but he won’t do that because he is loyal..i hope he succeeds, for his sake only. Anyways, BS Under the Ice is far more enjoyable than the summer dredging lol

GENEAH 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeah watching this episode I’m like ok so you did exactly what Kris asked you to do before he left and you’re taking credit for doing it.I feel so sorry for Kris.

Crikey! It's the Irwins (2018) S3 Special
GENEAH 2 points 3 years ago.

Oh I can’t wait until April 25th for crikey it’s a baby!

The Rookie (2018) S3 E7
GENEAH 0 points 3 years ago.

Agree with everyone else here. This episode is the worst. Just absolutely mind boggling horrible.

When Nature Calls with Helen Mirren (2021)
GENEAH 0 points 2 years ago.

Yeah, agree with the others, it’s bad. Not much true or correct information. It’s like watching YouTube funny animal compilations but with a lot of swearing and sexual enuendos. Not good, not for kids, maybe teens or at least really immature adults.