Nadira1001's comments

The Mandalorian (2019)
Nadira1001 3 points 4 years ago*.

“This is the way”!!! This is how Star Wars prequals, sequals and spin offs should have been done.
I still can’t believe they actually got it right with this one.
It will be very interesting to see what the second season will be like, but I have high hopes as the story, casting, score, acting and just the overal settings are really good and actually has that Star Wars feel to it.
Oh and yes baby Yoda is really the cutest thing ever……. even though he is supposed to be a side kick in the story, he steels the show in every episode!!!!

A Simple Favor (2018)
Nadira1001 1 points 5 years ago.

I thought this was a silly, predictable movie. It has been done many times before and much better.

The Little Drummer Girl (2018)
Nadira1001 1 points 5 years ago.

I enjoyed it, but I have to admit I found myself to be as confused by the story line as the lead character of the show.

Warrior (2019) S1 E5
Nadira1001 1 points 3 years ago.

a fantastic episode!!!!!