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Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

51 favorites


Movie: Spaceflight ( 1985 )
This 4-part documentary miniseries covers the history of manned and unmanned space-flight, from the late 1800s through the mid-1980s. The first episode, "Thunder in the Skies", begins with the theories of the Russian schoolteacher Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, followed by the liquid-fueled rocket experiments of the American scientist Robert Goddard. The Nazis in World War II construct the V-2 ballistic missile, and after the war German scientists such as Krafft Ehricke and Wernher von Braun come to the United States to continue their rocket work. Meanwhile, the experimental X-series aircraft being tested at Edwards Air Force Base fly closer and closer to the edge of space. But the Soviets beat the United States into space through the efforts of the mysterious "Chief Designer", Sergei Korolev. The United States must play catch-up; they abandon the slow progress of the X-planes in favor of missiles, and NASA and Project Mercury are born. The second episode, "The Wings of Mercury", looks at the accomplishments of the American and Soviet manned space programs in the early 1960s. The Soviets start out in the lead with Yuri Gagarin's flight in the Vostok capsule, followed by flights of the Voshkod and Soyuz spacecraft. But the United States achieves success with its Mercury and Gemini programs, the forerunners of the Apollo moon program. The third episode, "One Giant Leap", documents the race to the moon. The Americans get there first, and the Soviets stumble badly. But after Apollo, the U.S. space program languishes while the Soviets put up the Salyut, and later the Mir, space stations. The fourth episode, "The Territory Ahead", discusses the present and future of space-flight, from the flights of the Space Shuttle, through the commercial and military uses of space, to plans for space colonies and flights to other planets and even other star systems.
Movie: Moon Shots 4K ( 2015 )
The 56-minute documentary "Moon Shots" shows impressive ultra-HD photographs of the moon shots and tells thrilling stories from the Apollo era.
Movie: Moon Beat ( 2009 )
Moon Beat re-examines the epic 1969 flight of Apollo XI, on it's 40th anniversary, with a behind-the-scenes look from top NASA officials and many leading journalists who covered the first moon landing and the U.S. Space program. The Summer of '69 was an historic time, a turbulent time, and a time before cell phones, the Internet or 24-hour cable news. It was a time when newspapers and magazines flourished - alongside just three major U.S television networks. Around the world, the BBC covered the historic flight for an even larger European audience, and reporters from all corners of the globe were focused on just one story - the flight of Apollo XI and mankind's Journey to the Moon.
Movie: Man on the Moon ( 1989 )
The original CBS News coverage of the first Moon landing in 1969.
Movie: American Moon ( 2017 )
This documentary examines the authenticity of the photographic record of NASA's Apollo missions.
Movie: If We Had No Moon ( 1999 )
The documentary starts with an imaginary disaster: Venus hitting the Earth and destroying both. A fantasy? Perhaps, but many astronomers, scientists and other experts believe that if the Moon didn't exist that would have happened already. With the help of some of these scientists, the documentary explores the benefits to our planet of its sole satellite by speculating on what Earth would have been like if it had not been there.
Movie: July Moon ( 2011 )
The story of the lost NASA tapes, and the man who had them stored in a garage for over twenty years.
Movie: James May on the Moon ( 2009 )
James May commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Apollo moon landings.
Movie: Moonstruck ( 2015 )
What happens when a disparate group of entrepreneurs, with limited resources, come together, to confront an audacious challenge? Meet India's new space-age heroes, who have signed up for a global race that stretches across four lakh kilometers of space!
Movie: Back to the Moon ( 2019 )
Movie: Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D ( 2005 )
This program strives to give the viewer an impression of what it is like to actually be on the moon. It provides a romantic, inspirational depiction of the Apollo astronauts travels on the moon peppered by their quotations of their impressions.
Movie: Moon Rockets ( 1947 )
This short is one of Paramount's "Popular Science" series (number L6-5, or the fifth one of the 1946-47 production season) and begins by showling moon rockets, weighing 30 tons, aflight in the ionosphere, with mounted color cameras recording pictures hundreds of miles above the earth. Coming back to earth, it discourses on modern bathroom fixtures, and then demostrates a one-man hay-bailer.
Movie: Do We Really Need the Moon? ( 2011 )
Through an immersive combination of footage, photos and 3D CGI, this documentary reveals how different the Earth might be if the moon wasn't exactly where it is now. How does a rock orbiting a quarter of a million miles away from Earth hold the power to shape our future?
Movie: Four Blood Moons ( 2015 )
It is rare that science, history and scripture align with each other, yet the last three series of Four Blood Moons have done exactly that. Are these the "signs" that God refers to in the Bible? If they are, what do they mean? What is their significance for us today? In his riveting and highly acclaimed book, Pastor John Hagee explores the supernatural connection of certain celestial events to biblical prophecy-and to the future of God's chosen people and to the nations of the world. In the movie "Four Blood Moons," produced by Rick Eldridge and directed by the Academy Award Winner, Kieth Merrill; these veteran filmmakers illustrate this fascinating phenomenon in a very compelling docu-drama. Cinematic recreations of historical events from the United States, Israel and throughout the Middle East; along with expert testimonials from scientists, historians and religious scholars, are used to illustrate this story told in narrative format by a celebrity host. Just as in biblical times, perhaps God is controlling the sun, the moon, and the stars to send our generation a signal that something big is about to happen. The question is: Are we watching and listening for His message?
Movie: NOVA: To the Moon ( 1999 )
Movie: Prisoners of the Moon ( 2019 )
This is the story of Arthur Rudolph, one of over 100 Nazi V2 rocket engineers secretly brought to America in 1945 to work on the Cold War missile programme. He became a key figure in NASA's race into space; but in 1990 was arrested in Toronto on suspicion of being a war criminal. As well as dramatizing Arthur Rudolph's trial from previously unseen transcripts, this revelatory documentary draws upon archive footage, expert witness interviews and the testimony of Jean Michel, a slave labour survivor of the subterranean wartime V2 factory. This is the story of America's desperation to beat Russia to the moon at all costs, and of the decades-long journey to bring to justice those responsible for the deaths of 20,000 slave laborers in the V2 rocket factory and its Concentration Camp.
Movie: Back to the Moon for Good ( 2013 )
About Google lunar x prize presentation
Movie: #Dupe# ( 2019 )
Eight days, three hours, 18 minutes, 35 seconds. That's the total duration of the most important and celebrated space mission ever flown - Apollo 11 - when we first stepped foot on the moon. Eight days that created some of the most iconic images in human history and changed the way we think about our place in the universe forever. But what was it really like for those three men in that high-tech tin can through each of those extraordinary eight days? 8 Days, a feature-length drama documentary to mark the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, will bring the real story of the mission as it happened. With access to hours of declassified cockpit audio recorded by the astronauts themselves, 8 Days will use cutting-edge digital effects and dramatised performances to create a stunning 21st century visual journey to bring the original audio to life. Until now we've only glimpsed inside Apollo 11 with a handful of iconic stills and a few precious minutes of movie footage. But what if we could step inside that Saturn V rocket and for the very first time be on the inside to hear every word they said, from moments of high drama to the constant banter on that long and dangerous journey.
Movie: What Happened on the Moon? - An Investigation Into Apollo ( 2000 )
An in-depth British breakdown of how NASA never had the technology to overcome putting a man on on the moon or anywhere further than low orbit from the Apollo moon missions even today with the Space Shuttle designed to go nowhere but lower orbit
Movie: Race for the Moon ( 1965 )
Movie: Gaia Selene: Saving the Earth by Colonizing the Moon ( 2005 )
Our future and the earth itself are in danger from pollution, global warming, climate change and a looming energy crisis. The energy crisis will lead to a political crisis and continual and worsening energy wars. In addition we are discovering very real mega dangers from asteroid strikes and supervolcanos. Space technology in general and colonizing the moon in particular, as a first step into space, have the potential to mitigate and/or eliminate these dangers and guarantee a human future.
Movie: Return to the Moon ( 2019 )
Movie: Live from the Moon ( 2009 )
Movie: Beyond the Moon: Failure Is Not an Option 2 ( 2005 )
A history of the U.S. manned space program from the end of Apollo to today, as seen by the men (and women) of Mission Control.
Movie: Apollo 17: The Untold Story of the Last Men on the Moon ( 2012 )
The remarkable story of the determination and courage of a generation. A tribute to three brave astronauts and the thousands of men and women behind them during the final days of NASA's Apollo program.
Movie: Rookie Moonshot: Budget Mission to the Moon ( 2019 )
This film follows the journey of the Israeli SpaceIL spacecraft, Beresheet, as it attempts to become the first privately-funded vehicle to make a lunar landing. Interviews with the founders, engineers and space experts interwoven with actuality sequences and graphics, chart the science, passion and determination needed in this new moonshot.
Movie: Exploring the Moon ( 1960 )
Movie: Missing Moon Rocks ( 2014 )
Missing Moon Rocks is an Emmy Award winning look at the efforts of some to find and recover Apollo era moon rocks that were lost and stolen here on Earth.
Movie: Apollo 8: A Christmas Moon ( 2016 )
Remembering the epic 1968 flight of Apollo 8, when NASA and three American astronauts gave the world a gift of hope and a Christmas Moon.
Movie: Orbit: Journey to the Moon ( 2009 )
A documentary commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Flight from Earth to the Moon. Told by the astronauts themselves in their own words.
Movie: The Day We Walked on the Moon ( 2019 )
Landmark documentary to mark the 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon.
Movie: Astronauts Gone Wild: An Investigation Into the Authenticity of the Moon Landings ( 2004 )
Astronauts Gone Wild: An Investigation Into the Authenticity of the Moon Landings is a 2004 documentary film produced and directed by Bart Winfield Sibrel, a Nashville, Tennessee-based filmmaker who charges that the six Apollo Moon landings in the 1960s and 1970s were elaborate hoaxes. Sibrel made this film as a follow-up to his 2001 video A Funny Thing Happened on th...Read all
Movie: Apollo: A 16mm Adventure to the Moon ( 2014 )
Made with archival 16mm footage shot by the Apollo astronauts and intertwined with period style animation. Apollo takes you on a journey to our closest celestial neighbor.
Movie: The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars ( 1998 )
Documentary about humankind's fascination with the heavens, featuring cinematic interpretations.
Movie: The Greatest Adventure--The Story of Man's Voyage to the Moon ( 1983 )
The planning and implementation of the first flight to the moon, narrated by Orson Welles.
Movie: Popular Science, Featuring Moon Rocket ( 1947 )
Rocket research with German V-2's at White Sands, New Mexico (with flight camera footage). Also: bathroom gadgets; a one-man hay baler.
Movie: Apollo Astronauts: Training NASA's Moon Men ( 2015 )
In 1969, Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface and into the history books as the first of only twelve men to walk on the Moon. But in 1961 when Kennedy pledged to put a man on the Moon, NASA had barely put a man into orbit. They had less than 10 years to train a team of astronauts to overcome the unknown challenges of a mission to the Moon. What followed was a rigorous, intense training period that put America's first astronauts through their paces; testing their physical and mental strength, stamina, flying skills and bravery to ensure they were made of the right stuff. But Centrifuges, probing medical tests and jungle survival training was just the beginning, planting flags and footprints wasn't enough; the select few would not only need to pilot the complex spacecraft to and from the moon but also be skilled photographers, geologists and scientists. Featuring stunning NASA footage and expert interviews with Apollo space scientists, this inspirational film explores the early days of astronaut training, following those pioneering pilots from selection to the lunar surface and back again. This is the incredible story of how NASA trained America's best pilots to fly to the Moon, and take one giant leap for Mankind.
Movie: Tesla: Master of Lightning ( 2000 )
Biography of electrical inventor and visionary genius Nikola Tesla.
TV Show: Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle ( 2018 )
Movie: A Space Program ( 2016 )
The artist Tom Sachs and his team of bricoleurs build a handmade space program and send two female astronauts to Mars.
Movie: Ghost Planes: And the Mystery of Flight 370 ( 2014 )
At the time of this writing, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, transporting 227 passengers and 12 crew members from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, has been missing for months. An unprecedented international search was unable to locate any bodies or debris. According to the Aviation Society Network, more than 80 aircrafts have been declared "missing" since 1948--"Ghost Planes" that have literally vanished without a trace.
Movie: Between Musk and Mars ( 2020 )
SpaceX founder and CEO, Elon Musk, may be the third-richest person in the world, but to the residents of Boca Chica he's simply a ruthless businessman. This sleepy hamlet on the southernmost tip of Texas is home to retirees who were looking forward to enjoying their golden years in this beach paradise. Then SpaceX came to town. Founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, SpaceX and Musk arrived in Boca Chica in search of a place to launch rockets, build out a luxury resort, and eventually send one million people to Mars by 2050. In the process, they've been accused of wrecking a wildlife corridor and intimidating local retirees out of their homes and community. SpaceX and local officials maintain that Musk is bringing jobs and diversifying the economy of one of the poorest counties in the United States. "Between Musk and Mars" provides an intimate look at the holdouts who refuse to leave the isolated village and the tactics SpaceX has been using to get them out of their homes. But as the star-gazing magnate moves forward with his vision for a Martian colony, some of the locals won't cede their slice of Planet Earth without a fight.
Movie: Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds ( 2020 )
A documentary from Werner Herzog about meteors and comets and their influence on ancient religions and other cultural and physical impacts they've had on Earth.
Movie: Project: Man in Space ( 1963 )
Movie: Eyes in Outer Space ( 1959 )
Walt Disney, with the cooperation of the U.S. Department of Defense, uses music and animation to speculate on the use of space satellite technology (with a coordinated defense network) as a means to modify weather.
Movie: The Real Right Stuff ( 2020 )
Follow the story of the first American astronauts in space in this National Geographic documentary.
TV Show: Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults ( 2020 )
Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults is a thorough examination of the infamous UFO cult through the eyes of its former members and loved ones. This four-part docuseries uses never-before-seen footage and first-person accounts to explore "the cult of cults" that shocked the nation with its out-of-this-world beliefs. What started in 1975 with the disappearance of 20 people from a small town in Oregon ended in 1997 with the largest suicide on U.S. soil and changed the face of modern New Age religion forever. The 39 members of Heaven's Gate who died by suicide believed their souls would "graduate" to an alien spacecraft behind the Hale-Bopp Comet.
Movie: Aliens at the Pentagon ( 2018 )
For years, the US government denied investigating UFOs but when an ultra-secret Pentagon program to study the Alien threat was exposed in late 2017, the world was stunned by this revelation. Nick Pope aka "The Real Fox Mulder" investigated UFOs and other unexplained phenomena for the British government. Now Nick exposes the secretive workings of the Pentagon's real-life X-Files unit, using his knowledge and past experience to tell the incredible story as only a true government insider can.
Movie: Witness of Another World ( 2018 )
Juan lives a solitary existence on a remote farm ever since he witnessed a UFO event. Filmmaker Alan Stivelman -together with the help of famous astrophysicist Jacques Vallée- begin an epic journey to help Juan in understanding the deep meaning of his close encounter. This true story shows the long-term consequences of close encounters, proving that no one is exempt from a potential contact.
Movie: ETs Among Us 6: My Cosmic Journey - Revelations of a Psychic CEO (Short 2020) ( 2020 )
Unusually gifted, successful CEO/entrepreneur Sebastien Martin has experienced accurate prophetic visions for years. While ignoring his psychic abilities to build a normal life, Sebastien's shocking memories of his alien past intensified after a strange encounter with an Annunaki ET claiming to be his soul brother - leading to a profound journey of self-discovery and an urgent message to humanity.
Movie: Mirage Men ( 2014 )
How the US government created a myth that took over the world. ET visitors... crashed UFOs... back-engineered alien technology... the government cover-up of a secret that would change the world as we know it... These are the core elements of the modern UFO mythology, a story that has captivated farmers, princes and generals for generations, and shows no sign of loosening its grip on the popular imagination. But what if, instead of covering up the UFO story, elements in the US military had actively encouraged it as part of their Cold War counterintelligence arsenal - manufacturing the myth of the UFO as a powerful weapon of mass deception and the perfect cover for all manner of clandestine technologies and operations. Now, for the first time, some of those whose actions have directly shaped the UFO mythology, and some of their victims, tell their stories, revealing a surreal disturbing and sometimes tragic sequence of events that is part Manchurian Candidate and part Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Mirage Men draws viewers into a saucer-shaped hall of mirrors, a shadow-world where every lie contains elements of the truth, and the truth is far stranger than the UFO believers, or their detractors, would have you believe.
Movie: Area 51 Exposed ( 2020 )
Area 51 is a highly classified, heavily guarded USAF facility, located within the Nevada desert that is reported to house Alien beings and actual UFOs that are being reverse engineered. Many people are determined to ""Storm"" the base by running en masse to crash the gates and take it over. Will they find Aliens and flying saucers, or will it end in a massacre for those violating our national security and laws put in place to protect our nation?
Movie: Ancient Alien America ( 2018 )
The Alien Invasion of America didn't start in 1942 with the "Battle over Los Angeles," in truth it was thousands of years prior. From the dawn of man, native American cultures have claimed to be visited by people that came from the stars. There are countless shocking and amazing accounts handed down for generations of Aliens from other worlds visiting in our ancient past. These Star people educated and civilized mankind and guided the first Americans. Their legends speak of people coming from the stars to educate, guide and civilize people of the Earth. Now there is abounding evidence that early tribes of natives did indeed have contact with one or more races from the stars. Almost all of them say that one day, when the world is ready, these star people will return. Perhaps then, all who inhabit this planet will be ready physically, mentally, and spiritually to greet these ancient travelers from the stars.
Movie: Alien Artifacts: The Lost World ( 2019 )
Explore the shocking existence of artifacts so technologically advanced they have mystified scientists for decades and defy comprehension. Prepare to have your mind blown with the most fascinating Alien Artifacts found on planet Earth.
Movie: Alien Contact ( 2020 )
Actual UFO encounters between Alien spacecraft and Military pilots could be declassified by Government and Military officials as a possible means of preparing the public for impending disclosure of the ET presence on Earth. The recent surge of UFO activity reveals irrefutable video evidence of startling encounters with ultrasonic extraterrestrial crafts by Military pilots. Do they pose a threat to our national security? What is our fate should these celestial visitors be malevolent in nature? Top researchers in the field discuss remarkable documentation and eyewitness testimony. Nick Pope, Richard Dolan, Travis Walton and other experts fulfill our insatiable curiosity about who these visitors are and what may be in store for us with a phenomenon that could soon change the course of human history.
TV Show: NASA's 10 Greatest Achievements ( 2016 )
Since its formation in the early 60's, NASA has continued to be the leading power in space exploration. Working with other space agencies, it has contributed substantially to the ongoing exploration of our universe, achieving incredible firsts that span the decades. This two-part series comprehensively chronicles the finest moments in NASA's triumphant space program, reliving some of the most inspirational and famous moments that have captivated audiences and inspired generations around the world, over the last five decades.
Movie: Is Anybody Out There? ( 2016 )
The recent discovery by the Kepler satellite of thousands of Earth-like planets where life could be possible, has given a big boost to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). In 2011, for the first time ever, Kepler provided us with a census of the Milky Way. We can now calculate how many stars in the Milky Way could have a planet like ours: around a billion.
Movie: Space Robot Revolution ( 2015 )
What do space robots look like? Why and how can they lead space missions successfully? To what extent will they collaborate with astronauts or take their place? Find out what is in development around the world from robotic geology labs to space garbage collection.
TV Show: Myth Hunters ( 2013 )
Myth Hunters reveals true stories of quests seeking legendary objects – hordes of lost Spanish gold, the Temple of Solomon, the body of King Arthur, the relics of Joan of Arc; objects that offer their finder either unlimited power or wealth - or both. For most of us, these are the stuff of fantasy and movies as seen in Indiana Jones or The Mummy; but these are the real stories of real adventurers who thought these myths were true. These true life action adventures are exciting stories filmed in HD. The series features dramatic reconstruction, expert witness testimonies, specially shot location material and archive footage.
Movie: Alien Contactee ( 2020 )
Contactees are people who have experienced contact with extraterrestrials. Dr. Louis Turi had four such encounters. This documentary exams his encounters, his relationship with Astrology, and how he has accurately predicted several major world events.
Movie: Skyman ( 2020 )
The story of Carl Merryweather who believes he experienced an alien encounter at 10-years-old and is now trying to reconnect with the UFO at the same location.
Movie: Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed ( 2014 )
Never-before-aired NASA footage presents evidence that the Moon is being used as a base.
TV Show: UFO Witness ( 2021 )
Ben Hansen is on a mission to uncover the truth behind UFO sightings across America. With unprecedented access to the archives of famed ufologist Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Ben unlocks the secrets of the past to shed light on today's UFO encounters.
TV Show: Empreintes vue du ciel ( 2017 )
From the ground, we see almost nothing: we walk around, without noticing mysterious but significant traces that lie at our feet. By taking height, we distinguish shapes, designs, and structures. Such giant traces finally take shape seen from the sky. Are they mystical or extraterrestrial signs, ancient geological events, or marks due to weather conditions? Or could they be simple works of art or even hoaxes? Empreintes vue du ciel (Earth Signs from Above) is an inventory of these strange manifestations, and an investigation that excludes no hypothesis, be it scientific, mystical, or social. Our characters were chosen for their charisma and their passion devoted to these enigmas. Throughout 4 episodes we contemplate these enigmatic marks as they should be seen: from the sky, with spectacular footage taken for the first time with the help of camera drones.
TV Show: The Proof Is Out There ( 2021 )
The Proof Is Out There takes an in-depth look at some of the most incredible and thought provoking videos of unexplained phenomena and mysterious must-see moments of all time. Each half-hour episode explores and analyzes the full story of each irregularity in question from bizarre footage of people seemingly immune to lightning, to a fifty-foot snake, apocalyptic sounds in a man's backyard, enigmatic creatures, and UFOS that split and dive underwater. Through expert examination and the use of the latest technologies, The Proof Is Out There aims to get to the bottom of what's real? What's fake? And everything in between.
TV Show: Atlas of Cursed Places ( 2020 )
Author and adventurer Sam Sheridan travels the globe in search of the most cursed places on Earth. Entrenching himself in macabre modern day culture, Sam explores the region's haunting history and fascinating folklore, employs cutting-edge science to illuminate the dangers of the curse, and paints a new and revealing portrait of a doomed place and the people who live there in the process.
TV Show: History's Greatest Mysteries ( 2020 )
History's Greatest Mysteries will investigate a wide range of historically compelling topics and the mysteries surrounding each including the Titanic, D.B. Cooper, Roswell, John Wilkes Booth, and more. Each program within the franchise will showcase fresh, new evidence and perspectives including never-before-released documents to the general public, personal diaries and DNA evidence to unearth brand-new information about these infamous and enigmatic chapters in history.
Movie: ETs Among Us 5: Binary Code - Secret Messages from the Cosmos (with Linda Moulton Howe) (Short 2020) ( 2020 )
Peabody award-winning journalist Linda Moulton Howe analyzes parallel binary code warnings from UFOs 35 years apart. In 1980, a military officer in Bentwaters Air Force base (Britain) witnessed a landed spacecraft, and was later mentally bombarded with binary code. Similar binary code was transmitted to another military man in 2015 in the USA. Sadly, in 2020 these warnings have already come true.
TV Show: Monsters and Mysteries Unsolved ( 2016 )
All around the world people witness bizarre phenomena. But, over the years scientific advancements have solved many of these mysteries, still, many answers continue to elude scientists and researchers of anomalous phenomena.
TV Show: Mysteries at the National Parks ( 2015 )
America's network of national parks represents vast, dense expanses of virtually unexplored wilderness — hotbeds for mysteries and the unexplained. Each episode delivers several haunting stories to add to the backdrop and natural beauty of some of the country's most famous national parks.
TV Show: The Inexplicable Universe: Unsolved Mysteries ( 2012 )
What do scientists know about the universe? What still remains to be uncovered? What are some of the next avenues of exploration? Professor Neil deGrasse Tyson's course The Inexplicable Universe: Unsolved Mysteries is a marvelous journey to the frontiers of the known (and unknown) universe and introduces you to tantalizing questions being addressed by the world's top scientists.
TV Show: Unsolved Mysteries ( 1988 )
Unsolved Mysteries explores unsolved cases in which you, the viewer, can call in or write and solve them. The show looks at cases such as: lost loves, missing persons, homicide, supernatural, the unexplained, wanted, etc. Unsolved Mysteries usually has four segments in one show, and sometimes shows updates. Unsolved Mysteries has solved 40% of their featured cases, that is 300 cases solved out of about 1,200.
Movie: Maussan's UFO Files - Director's Cut (2021) ( 2019 )
Watch his story unfold as we recount his rise as a journalist covering some of the most controversial UFO events seen across Mexico in history. Jaime Maussan started his career in journalism at some of the highest profile news agencies in Mexico, including 60 minutes and TV Azteca. His ambition and powerful desire to tell stories at a feverish pace led to the creation of his own news reporting agency Tercer Milenio which still has a growing base of over 2 million viewers a week internationally.
Movie: Extraordinary: The Seeding ( 2019 )
Abductions. Reproduction experiments. Memories of seeing children off-planet. The idea of humans participating in an alien hybrid program sounds absurd until you talk to people who have experienced it. Thousands of women and men around the world have had reproductive experiments carried out against their will. The most harrowing? Unexplained pregnancies that terminate without explanation. In many cases, the memories of what happened remain suppressed and fragmented, leaving experiencers confused, depressed and with a profound sense of loss. In others, the memories are visceral and emotionally disturbing. Thanks to increased public acceptance and regression therapy, more and more people are coming forward with stories of abductions and strange fertilization procedures that occur during their frightening experiences. Are aliens involved in a complex hybridization project where human females are used as vessels to carry hybrid fetuses and human males have their sperm harvested until they're ready to be transferred "elsewhere?" And if so, to what end? "Extraordinary: The Seeding" is a riveting documentary that tells these stories through one-on-one interviews with abductees-brave individuals willing to share intensely personal and emotional stories with the rest of the world. Through analysis with global ufology experts, the film also explores hybridization, why it's happening and what the impact on humanity is and will be. The information presented is intended to educate, entertain and encourage audiences to ask one simple question: What if this is all true?
Movie: Alien Chronicles: Top UFO Encounters ( 2020 )
Aliens and UFOs are more real than ever before. Thousands of sightings by highly credible witnesses worldwide cannot be denied. The big question is not whether the Aliens are here among us, monitoring us, perhaps preparing us for some kind of end game that will change humanity forever, but why is the government and military still denying the fact that we are not alone? While many of the sightings every year are debunked, it's the ones that defy description, obliterate our notions of physics and science and exhibit other worldly capabilities beyond our grasp. The mind blowingly bizarre and most mysterious Alien Encounters of all, these are the cases we call Alien Chronicles.
Movie: Flying Objects: A State Secret ( 2020 )
Explore new, fascinating data gathered by military, government, and private organizations in key geopolitical countries, leading many to believe that a unified human effort should be undertaken to study extraterrestrial phenomena.
TV Show: Ancient Unexplained Files ( 2021 )
Ancient investigations turn tech as specialists harness an advanced digital forensics lab and use the latest scientific discoveries to solve the biggest mysteries of ancient history.
TV Show: Aliens in Alaska ( 2021 )
Alaska is a hotbed for UFO sightings, abductions and extraterrestrial encounters. Why are these otherworldly visitors drawn to America's last frontier? Shocking new evidence and personal testimony from local witnesses shed light on the alien activity.
Movie: Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space ( 2010 )
When a war starts in space, can anyone really win?
TV Show: The New Frontier ( 2015 )
Due to world events over the last twenty years and the decline in government finance; Space exploration has fallen from the media's gaze into the shadows. With the recent launch of the first privately owned space craft to service the international space station; it's time to take a fresh look at the new frontiers of space. What does the immediate future hold? A return to the Moon, manned flights to Mars or Titan, mining the asteroid belt or finding an earth-like planet in the cosmos, these goals could be achieved in decades to come. The explosion of private investment including tourist flights from Virgin Galactic and The Red Bull Stratos have all combined to reshape our goals. Europe and the ESA have shouldered their burden of exploration and now Japan, China and India have all committed to launching probes to the Moon, Mars and beyond!
TV Show: Conspiracies Decoded ( 2020 )
Throughout Conspiracies Decoded, experts revisit the most enduring and inexplicable crimes and conspiracies from throughout history, applying new forensic science techniques and stunningly accurate CGI to reconstruct each scrap of astonishing evidence and potentially uncover answers that were once thought impossible.
TV Show: Search for Second Earth ( 2018 )
Search for Second Earth brings to life, in breathtaking CGI, an epic future journey that our species has already begun: the voyage of an autonomous spacecraft to a planet beyond our Solar System in search of life. Join NASA planetary explorers Gentry Lee and Steve Squyres; and exo-planet hunters Sara Seager, Francois Forget and Natalie Batalha on their quest to find life beyond Earth.
Movie: Aliens vs. Bigfoot ( 2021 )
This compelling documentary explores the unique fields of Ufology and Cryptozoology and compares and contrasts the communities that have sprung up around Bigfoot and Alien sightings. Featuring interviews from Nick Pope, Mike Bara, Nick Redfern, Dr. Jeffery Wells and many others.
TV Show: Chasing Conspiracies ( 2016 )
Chasing Conspiracies chronicles some of the world's greatest conspiracy theories, identifying key aspects and presenting historical evidence to support each one.  
Movie: True Legends: Holocaust of Giants ( 2017 )
An ancient conspiracy has been quietly burgeoning behind the bustle of the modern world. From the mounds of America, to the megalithic ruins on the island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea, the desiccated bones of dead giants are being systematically dis entombed and secreted away to clandestine vaults for apocalyptic purposes. While occultists are attempting to harness the arcane necromancy of the Canaanites, genetic engineers are working feverishly to reconstitute the genomes of the giants, and resurrect the dreaded race of Rephaim in the earth. In this explosive episode, Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino, and Tom Horn pick up the trail of the Anasazi Indians in the Desert Southwest of the United States. Their groundbreaking investigation reveals a dark and gruesome secret concerning the sudden annihilation of this mysterious tribe, and a cover-up of gigantic proportions. What they discover will demand the re-writing of American history. Join Timothy Alberino as he explores the enigmatic island of Sardinia in the Western Mediterranean Sea where the skeletal remains of giants are still being extracted from the tens of thousands of megalithic towers and tombs all over the island, and hear the jaw-dropping testimony of those who were hired by the government to dig them out.
Movie: Making Tracks on Mars ( 2021 )
Movie: Fire from the Sky ( 1997 )
TV Show: Paranormal Declassified ( 2020 )
Investigative journalist Paul Beban steps into the unknown to find answers to the world's greatest paranormal mysteries. Using declassified government documents, inside sources and daring determination, he'll stop at nothing to expose the truth.
Movie: Volcanic UFO Mysteries ( 2021 )
UFO sightings have been a regular world wide phenomenon for decades. Researchers of UFOs have noticed a connection with UFO sightings around Volcanic hot spots across Latin America. Join Stephen Bassett and Jaime Maussan as they discuss a history of sightings. Jaime has been a news journalist in Mexico for over 25 years and Stephen Bassett has been fighting for politi...Read all
TV Show: Brian Cox's Adventures in Space and Time ( 2021 )
Brian Cox tackles some of the most challenging and intriguing questions facing science today by using his best material from past programmes and the latest scientific research.
Movie: Unearthing Nazca: The Complete Story ( 2020 )
In spring of 2017, researchers began a scientific inquiry into the origins of six, three-fingered mummies found in Nazca, Peru. Preliminary results from tests performed on the largest mummy's anomalous hands, cross-examined against the rest of the body, revealed no evidence to indicate a hoax. Scientists found the largest mummy, Maria, to be female and carbon dated he...Read all