Playlists > MusicThatDoesn'tSuck


List is Modified Often.

This list features honest, authentic, genuine, real folk music of every kind, such as Metal, Punk, Big Band Swing, Blues, Funk, Reggae, Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Bluegrass, Bebop, Hardbop, drum & bugle corps, international, indigenous & the classical masters, of course.

It’s frustrating some need links, so it’s nice if you add them.

If you're reading this & are currently feeling like a lost kitten if there's no download to what you want, send me a pm & I'll help. May or may not have it, but it doesn't hurt to private message. I really will share & make a post just for you.

Due to the rarity of availability of actual real music, all other non-corporate sincere world musics that never got equal time in the press, radio, tv, etc are added when found, including films about musicians & music or where music figures into the film in a significant way or is made by a musician. ♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫

There’s not a lot of good stuff to be found. The best is mostly just not available. Yet for what can be found, it’ll be listed.

This list is fun to sort by Date to group musical eras, and by Title too.

It’s important to say what is NOT here just as much as what is: Ergo, if you’re looking for the heartless, soulless, corporate cookie-cutter assembly line formulaic copycat filth assembled on a computer in a board room with “focus group” data for trashy tv shows that can be found all over Westernized media- or the abomination known as 80’s Hair Pop, or False Metal, where they wear their instruments rather than play them- that’s not here.

Authentic Metal of the 80’s was Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Sabbath, Venom, Bathory, Kreator, Coroner, Vader, Sodom, Deicide, Slayer, Nuclear Assault, Sacred Reich, Dark Angel, Death Angel, Voivod, Death, C.O.C., Napalm Death, Pentagram, D.R.I. Metallica before Cliff died, etc. And NOTHING that was on radio or mtv- NOT that cheap manufactured Hollywood boyband hairspray crap. Not here.

The only jazz recognized here is SWING- not that bland awful out of tune elevator muzak junk that calls itself jazz by stealing the name- You can call it jazz all you want, that doesn’t make it jazz.

IT DON’T MEAN A THING IF IT AIN’T GOT THAT SWING! Artists sought after here are the likes of Louis Prima, Louis Armstrong, Louis Jordan, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Glenn Miller, Ziggy Elman, Harry James, Tex Beneke, Marion Hutton, Martha Tilton, Tommy & Jimmy Dorsey, Edyth Wright, Lionel Hampton, Gene Krupa, Teddy Wilson, Snakes Powell, Buddy Rich, Louis Belson, Jo Stafford, Kay Star, Chick Webb, Peggy Lee, Connie Haines, Vic Schoen, The Andrews Sisters, The Boswell Sisters, Dick Stabiel, Paul Whiteman, Jack Teagarden, Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, Billy Strayhorn, Count Basie, Billy Eckstein, Johnny Hodges, Charlie Barnette, Stan Kenton, Charlie Spivak, Les Brown, Johnny Mercer, Xavier Cugat, Glen Grey, Casa Loma… only the true swing masters who invented & perfected authentic jazz… none of their failed pupils who took all the fun out of jazz & bruised it & stole the name. Fact is, all music is about freeing yourself, and all music is identifiable by a rigid discipline that one can freely fly within. The moment it doesn’t sound like that anymore, it isn’t that anymore.

-The music here was born in the garages & sidewalks of the world, not in a Madison Avenue office.

This list is about MUSIC & MUSICIANS who work collaboratively, not self-deluded solo act singers who have no talent, can’t play an instrument or write their own material, but yet look good ONLY due to the labor of uncredited musicians & market saturation. That’s not music. That’s noise.

Aren't you tired of the bland homogenized cultural treason defecating all over media? Have a GOOD TIME! Choose GOOD MUSIC!

Louis Armstrong said there’s two kinds of music: Good, & then that other stuff.

Music is defined as that which is pleasing to the ear. Noise is that which is not.

This list is for people who like music rather than noise. You're welcome.

A note: Some films have no photo or maybe no synopsis but do indeed have links.

● Contributors cannot magickally have links for everything just because a page for it exists since contributors don’t make the pages. Software does that, not people, since it is mirroring IMDB & TVmaze. Software makes the pages, posts the pics, it does all the work. It’s automated.


● Only later are links placed WHEN POSSIBLE. Some things are very rare & hard to find. If you are unwilling to contribute the link yourself, then you’re out of luck.

Sometimes (but not always) the only accepted link providers for this domain are Vimeo, Dailymotion & the accursed corporate yootoob. If perchance that’s the way it is, then use your search options & good luck to you in finding treasure from the playlists.

This list isn’t a portal to a toobsite. If you dig thase sites, go there. Use their search to find what you want & stay. This list is for actual downloadable movies & tv shows. Videos that cannot be found easily. This list doesn’t exist to generate traffic for invalid sites like that. Care is given that anything listed is connected to a DOWNLOADABLE post.

Toob site link hijacking should be disabled since linking to a toob site will guarantee that posts from a valid DOWNLOAD host will NEVER appear on the front page- preventing fans from knowing when brand new posts are made. It's not rocket science. Linking to toob sites is wrong.

This website is currently accepting link requests, so now’s the time to go the forum & do that. If links aren’t found here, then DuckDuckGo is your friend. Or try Mojeek. It’s new. It has it’s own bots, so unlike DDG or Brave, it’s not a front-end. It’s a TRUE search engine. is also a good place to dig around for stuff. Playlists like this will have some links, but are also useful as a reference, not unlike IMDB or TVmaze.

✔ Requests are currently accepted in the website forum. Sometimes that isn’t the case which is too bad, but that’s the way it is at times, so it’s best to suck it up & move on.

Creator: random000
Posted: 3 years ago

41 favorites


Movie: Dean Martin: The One and Only ( 2004 )
He was a beloved American icon. Dean Martin, the coolest, the most debonair, the smoothest. This film is a loving and moving tribute to one of the most admired, idolized and accomplished entertainers the world has ever known. No other entertainer in history so thoroughly conquered the fields of recording, live performances, television and movies as did Dino, not even his good friend Frank Sinatra. Features footage and photos of Dean from throughout his life and career, as well as rare interview segments with Dean.
Movie: King of Cool ( 2021 )
The story of Dean Martin.
Movie: The Rat Pack ( 1998 )
The public and private lives of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford.
Movie: Circle of the Sun (Short 1960)
A Native American young man of the Blood tribe shows us contemporary life of people as he attends a Sun Dance ceremony with the tribe.
Movie: A Phantasy (Short 1952)
Drawn in pastels, and scored with jazzy music, fantastical plant-like things "grow" from the ground, launching five spheres in to space to create even more fantastical scenes.
Movie: Flower Drum Song ( 1962 )
A young woman arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown from Hong Kong with the intention of marrying a rakish nightclub owner, unaware he is involved with one of his singers.
Movie: The Velvet Underground ( 2021 )
The Velvet Underground explores the multiple threads that converged to bring together one of the most influential bands in rock and roll.
Movie: The Pitch ( 2017 )
"The Pitch" takes a look at the world of international street performing buskers to find out why these men and women have chosen to "pass the hat" to make a living, along with the challenges they face.
Movie: Buskers ( 2011 )
Busking is the practice of performing in public places for tips and gratuities. People engaging in this practice are called buskers or street performers. Buskers is a one-hour hosted series that goes around the world, past the boardwalks and cityscapes to find out who these people are and what motivates them to live out their lives on the streets of the world.
Movie: The Busker ( 2006 )
After the tragic death of his father, Seamus, a young busker (street musician), falls for a free-spirited African-American girl. Their developing relationship is threatened by the racial tension that surrounds them and an opportunity presented to Seamus by an unlikely stranger.
Movie: The Busker ( 2017 )
A documentary following the life of a Busker who lives in Ayr, the crew followed his up and downs in 1 year, it is nicknamed 'Benefits Street: The Musical', it is so much more.
Movie: Buskers: Sounds of the City ( 2016 )
Who are the people that play on the city streets and trains and what calls them to it?
Movie: Rolling Stone: Life and Death of Brian Jones ( 2019 )
A documentary about the events in the life of Rolling Stone legend Brian Jones that lead to his death.
Movie: The Beatles on Record ( 2009 )
A collection of interviews and footage of the band detailing how their sound progressed and how their albums were made.
Movie: Nowhere Boy ( 2009 )
A chronicle of John Lennon's first years, focused mainly in his adolescence and his relationship with his stern aunt Mimi, who raised him, and his absentee mother Julia, who re-entered his life at a crucial moment in his young life.
Movie: In His Life: The John Lennon Story ( 2000 )
A film about the early life of the rock musician and his burgeoning career as a member of the Beatles.
Movie: John and Yoko: A Love Story ( 1985 )
Details the lives of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, from before their first meeting to their rise to stardom.
Movie: The Night That Changed America: A Grammy Salute to the Beatles ( 2014 )
A tribute to the Beatles, airing at the exact time as their first appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show" 50 years earlier.
Movie: Reggae Britannia ( 2011 )
A look at how Jamaican music came to influence British musicians to create their own take on it and the legacy it has left.
Movie: Punk in London ( 1980 )
A contemporary documentary covering the Great British punk rock explosion of 1977.
Movie: Zea (Short 1981)
Tight close-ups show a slowly revolving, glistening, lightly textured surface. Water drips. Bubbles coalesce. An orchestra plays. What is the mysterious surface? Suddenly, it bursts!
Movie: Gold Diggers of Broadway ( 1929 )
Three Broadway chorus girls seek rich husbands.
Movie: Gold Diggers of 1933 ( 1933 )
A wealthy composer rescues unemployed Broadway performers with a new play.
Movie: Gold Diggers of 1935 ( 1935 )
Romantic antics abound among the guests at a luxury hotel, including a stage director, an eccentric millionaire, and the daughter of a financial backer.
Movie: Gold Diggers in Paris ( 1938 )
When the representative of the Paris International Dance Exposition arrives in New York to invite the Academy Ballet of America to compete for monetary prizes, the taxi driver mistakenly brings him to the Club Ballé, a nightclub on the brink of declaring bankruptcy. The owners, Terry Moore and Duke Dennis, jump at the chance to go, despite being aware of the mistake. They hire ballet teacher, Luis Leoni, and his only pupil, Kay Morrow, to join the group, hoping to teach their two dozen show girls ballet en route to Paris by ship. Also going along and rooming with Kay is Mona, Terry's ex-wife, who wants to keep an eye on her alimony checks. Naturally, Kay and Terry fall in love. After the ship is underway, Padrinsky, the head of the real ballet academy, reads about the departure and also heads to Paris, bringing with him his ballet loving gangster patron, Mike Coogan, with orders to eliminate the pair of imposters. Things look bleak for Terry as Kay becomes angry and severs her relationship with Terry when she learns that Mona was once married to him and he never told her that. And Padrinsky gets a deportation order for the whole group on the day they were to perform in the contest.
Movie: Royal Wedding ( 1951 )
A brother and sister dance act encounter challenges and romance when booked in London during the Royal Wedding.
Movie: Nancy Goes to Rio ( 1950 )
A mother and daughter compete over the same singing role and, unbeknownst to each other, the same man.
Movie: A Date with Judy ( 1948 )
Hyperactive teenager Judy Foster (Jane Powell) challenges, and is challenged by, her overly-proper parents, pesky brother Randolph (Jerry Hunter), and boyfriend Ogden "Oogie" Pringle (Scotty Beckett).
Movie: Hit the Deck ( 1955 )
Sailor Danny Xavier Smith and two other gobs try to save his sister Susan's virtue. She wants to get a role in the show "Hit the Deck". After wrecking the producers hotel suite, they land in the brig. But Danny's father is a Rear Admiral...
Movie: Delightfully Dangerous ( 1945 )
Young Sherry Williams dreams of having a singing career, and she idolizes her older sister Josephine, who has gone to New York to perform on the stage. When Sherry is distraught just before performing at her school, a visiting Broadway producer encourages her by telling her positive things about her sister. Soon afterwards, Sherry decides to make a surprise trip to New York to visit Josephine - but what she finds there is not at all what she expected.
Movie: Ten Thousand Bedrooms ( 1957 )
In this musical-comedy, Dean Martin plays an American hotel mogul who becomes smitten with a young Italian woman (Anna Maria Alberghetti) when buying a hotel in Rome. To marry this gal, he has to get her three older sisters married off.
Movie: Pirate Party on Catalina Isle ( 1935 )
That pirates used to sail off the coast of California around Catalina is a good excuse to hold a pirate themed party on the island. The centerpiece of the party, which is attended by a cavalcade of Hollywood luminaries, is a musical comedy revue emceed by Pirate Captain Chester Morris, and backed up musically by Charles 'Buddy' Rogers and his California Cavaliers. The party guests are wearing pirate costumes, and all the acts in the revue have a pirate and/or nautical theme.
Movie: Dixiana ( 1930 )
In antebellum New Orleans, two men vie for the affections of a beautiful young girl during Mardi Gras.
Movie: Safety in Numbers ( 1930 )
A songwriter hires three chorus girls to show him the "underside" of big-city life.
Movie: Bollywood Queen ( 2003 )
A cross cultural romance set in London's East End about a young girl of Indian heritage.
Movie: Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela ( 2013 )
Modern adaptation of William Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' with an Indian twist, the film focuses on the story of Ram and Leela, their love, lust and the drama afterwards.
Movie: The King and I ( 1999 )
Traveling to the exotic kingdom of Siam, English schoolteacher Anna Leonowens soon discovers that her most difficult challenge is the stubborn, imperious King himself.
Movie: The King and I ( 2018 )
Set in 1860s Bangkok, the musical tells the story of the unconventional relationship that develops between the King of Siam and Anna, a British schoolteacher whom the King brings to teach his many wives and children.
Movie: The King and I ( 1956 )
A widow accepts a job as a live-in governess to the King of Siam's children.
Movie: Meet Me in St. Louis ( 1945 )
In the year leading up to the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, the four Smith daughters learn lessons of life and love, even as they prepare for a reluctant move to New York.
Movie: Du Barry Was a Lady ( 1943 )
A nightclub's coatroom attendant who's in love with the club's singer accidentally sips a drugged drink that makes him dream he's French King Louis XV, courting the infamous Madame Du Barry.
Movie: The Stork Club ( 1945 )
A hat-check girl at the Stork Club (Hutton) saves the life of a drowning man (Fitzgerald). A rich man, he decides to repay her by anonymously giving her a bank account, a luxury apartment and a charge account at a department store. When her boyfriend (DeFore) returns from overseas, he thinks she is a kept woman.
Movie: Doll Face ( 1945 )
Burlesque star (Blaine) makes it in the big time.
Movie: Diamond Horseshoe ( 1945 )
A medical student who wants to be a crooner gets involved with a showgirl who has an ulterior motive.
Movie: Salome, Where She Danced ( 1945 )
A famous Viennese ballerina flees Europe during the Austro-Prussian War and falls in love with an American bandit who looks like her deceased royal lover.
Movie: Earl Carroll Vanities ( 1945 )
Royalty from a small European principality come to New York City to arrange for a loan to prop up their country's troubled finances. While the queen mother attends to the negotiations, Princess Drina strikes up a friendship with Tex Donnelly, who owns a nightclub and gives her boogie-woogie piano lessons. When, Tex's star singer, Claire, sprains her ankle, Drina steps in and belts out a few numbers impressing Earl Carroll, a Broadway producer who had come to see Claire perform. Danny Baldwin, Tex's collaborator, thinks that Drina is trying to push Claire out of the show, but reluctantly agrees to substitute for Claire while the singer recovers. Although Drina is engaged to the drunken Grand Duke Paul and Danny and Claire are dating one another, the princess and the night club owner realize they have romantic feelings for one another. When the Queen Mother orders Drina, for the good of her country, to immediately sever all ties with the nightclub without informing her friends, Danny and Tex are forced to put the temperamental Claire back into the lead role of the revue.
Movie: The Cat Concerto ( 1947 )
Tom enters from stage left in white tie and tails, sits at the piano, gets his focus as the orchestra in the pit beneath him warms up, and begins to play Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody." Unbeknownst to Tom and the audience, Jerry is asleep across several of the low-note keys inside the instrument, so Tom's playing eventually wakes him. Jerry is pummeled by hammers, bounced by wires, and squeezed by Tom as the cat tries to play the concerto while dispensing with Jerry. Jerry's defensive antics add to the brio of the program and answer Tom with Jerry's own skillful musical attack. By the concerto's end, the duet leaves only one animal standing for the audience's applause.
Movie: Congo Jazz ( 1930 )
Bosko hunts in the jungle, but ends up playing music with the animals.
Movie: The Source: The Story of the Beats and the Beat Generation ( 1999 )
Traces the Beats from Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac's meeting in 1944 at Columbia University to the deaths of Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs in 1997. Three actors provide dramatic interpretations of the work of these three writers, and the film chronicles their friendships, their arrival into American consciousness, their travels, frequent parodies, Kerouac's death, and Ginsberg's politicization. Their movement connects with bebop, John Cage's music, abstract expressionism, and living theater. In recent interviews, Ginsberg, Burroughs, Kesey, Ferlinghetti, Mailer, Jerry Garcia, Tom Hayden, Gary Snyder, Ed Sanders, and others measure the Beats' meaning and impact.
Movie: The Compleat Al ( 1985 )
Fact and fiction are mingled in this mockumentary about the career of music parodist "Weird Al" Yankovic. In retelling his life story, the film includes several of his music videos, including "Ricky" and "Eat It."
Movie: Population: 1 ( 1986 )
After the nuclear annihilation of the planet, The last member of a small society of survivors finds himself trapped in an underground control room, where he recounts the history of his world through musical numbers.
Movie: Three Chords and the Truth (Short 2019) ( 2019 )
The passionate advocates of the 'Cigar Box Guitar Revolution', reveal how just three chords, played on their unique, DIY, instruments, hand-made from recycled materials, connect them to their truth.
Movie: The Zen of Screaming ( 2005 )
In the early '90s, a passionate and unrestrained movement of singers emerged from the underground that would test the extreme limits of the human voice. Heeding the call of the warriors of ...
Movie: Brainiac: Transmissions After Zero ( 2019 )
This feature length documentary explores the seminal 90's rock band Brainiac from Dayton, OH and its creative force Tim Taylor. Just days before signing a major record contract Taylor was killed in a bizarre auto accident leaving his family, friends and fans to pick up the pieces. The film celebrates the life and creativity of one of rock music's unsung heroes and how people cope with extreme and sudden loss and life changes.
Movie: Class of 1984 ( 1982 )
There's something strange going on at the graffiti-covered Lincoln High, as teachers are carrying loaded guns, and the students have to walk through a metal detector before they enter the classroom. Before long, the school's new music teacher, Andrew Norris, will learn firsthand that it's even worse than it looks, as the drug-plagued institution is the territory of the charismatic Peter Stegman and his brutal gang of crazed followers. Now, under those dire circumstances, it's only a matter of time before the professor and the pupil lock horns, with unforeseen consequences. But, do drastic times call for drastic measures? In the end, is there a cure for violence?
Movie: Losers Take All ( 2013 )
Losers Take All is a comedy in which we follow "The Fingers," a fictional punk-pop band stumbling and staggering their way in the opposite direction of mainstream success, circa 1986. Fingers are faced with the unlikely opportunity of committing the ultimate indie rock sin: selling out. Do they stay true to their non-commercial DIY sound and ethos? Do they get in bed with corporate rock? Or do they simply keep getting wasted and implode into oblivion?
Movie: Darling Lili ( 1970 )
Set during World War I, this movie is a cute spin on the Mata Hari legend.
Movie: New Worlds: The Cradle of Civilization ( 2022 )
Filmed one summer night in Greece, New Worlds: The Cradle of Civilization, captures Bill Murray, Jan Vogler and Friend's final performance of their European "New Worlds" tour.
Movie: WBCN and the American Revolution ( 2019 )
"The incredible story of how a radio station, politics, and rock and roll changed everything."
Movie: The Sandy Bottom Orchestra ( 2000 )
A concert pianist marries a Wisconsin farmer. The struggles that comes with that.
Movie: I Am Dina ( 2002 )
In Northern Norway during the 1860s, a little girl named Dina accidentally causes her mother's death. Overcome with grief, her father refuses to raise her, leaving her in the care of the household servants. Dina grows up wild and unmanageable, with her only friend being the stable boy, Tomas. She summons her mother's ghost and develops a strange fascination with death as well as a passion for living. Family friend Jacob encourages Dina's father to hire Lorch, a tutor who introduces her to the cello. When Dina is old enough, she marries Jacob and moves to Reinsnes, a port he runs with his mother, Karen, and his stepsons Niels and Anders . Niels doesn't like Dina's wild ways, or the fact that she has taken over accounting duties at Reinsnes. Dina's eccentric tendencies become even stronger, eventually leading Jacob into an accident of his own and bringing Tomas back into her life.
Movie: Whiplash (Short 2013) ( 2013 )
A ferocious, bullying music teacher teaches a dedicated student.
Movie: Love ( 2014 )
Movie: Crazy Horse, Paris with Dita Von Teese ( 2009 )
Dita Von Teese, the international queen of burlesque, brings her one-of-a-kind style to the renowned Crazy Horse in Paris for a thrilling sensual show.
Movie: Rosetta: Audio/Visual ( 2014 )
Rosetta: Audio/Visual is the story of blue-collar, Philadelphia-based, post-metal band Rosetta and their relationship with record label Translation Loss; every album is a creative milestone, each tour a test of faith. As the music industry appears to transform, evolve, and erode around them, the bonds of friendship become threatened by the pressures of business, and R...Read all
Movie: The Medium ( 1951 )
Madame Flora is terrified when she perceives a supernatural presence during one of her fraudulent séances. Menotti's first international success, "The Medium" is a tragedy in two acts for five singers, a dance-mime role, and a chamber opera for thirteen instruments and fourteen players: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, percussion, piano (4 hands), and string quintet. The music is dissonant, eerie, and morbid and includes melodies such as 'O, black swan.'
TV Show: Lost Empires ( 1986 )
Lost Empires takes you to the last days of Britain's innocence and the glamorous, magical world of the great music halls - which once brought entertainment to millions. In 1913, young Richard Herncastle, escapes from a stuffy, provincial English background into the glitter and excitement of the theatre world. Funny, sad, and nostalgic, Lost Empires follows Richard from his naïve, country upbringing to join his uncle Nick Ollanton, a famous music hall illusionist - known as the Indian Magician, Ganga Dun. The mystery of illusions, on and off the stage, is eventually shattered for Richard, whose dream of becoming a famous painter becomes sidetracked while he contends with men gone nearly insane, the lusts of countless women, and a murder that hangs over his head.
Movie: Orchestra of Exiles ( 2013 )
Some stories get lost in the turmoil of their times. It is often only in retrospect that we can discover the true shapers of history. One such man is the prodigious Polish violinist Bronislaw Huberman. Orchestra of Exiles explores this great man's 4-year odyssey, which culminates in the founding of the orchestra that would become the Israel Philharmonic. His fascinating story touches many of the major themes of the 20th century and the unfolding drama of his life is riveting. During the darkest days of a Europe being torn apart by anti- Semitism and Nazi aggression, Huberman's extraordinary efforts saved hundreds of Jewish families from the approaching holocaust and his achievements changed the landscape of cultural history. Before the Nazis came to power Huberman was focused only on building his own monumental career but witnessing Hitler's agenda was a call to action that Huberman could not ignore. Huberman's personal transformation and subsequent heroic struggle to get Jewish musicians out of Europe to found this orchestra will be at the heart of this film.
Movie: Duet for One ( 1987 )
Stephanie, a famous violin player married to a composer becomes ill from Multiple Sclerosis. Her whole life goes to pieces . Her career ends abruptly, her husband betrays her with another woman, and her favorite pupil decides to leave for a tour in the U.S. Stephanie tries to take her own life.
Movie: Huxley on Huxley ( 2009 )
Italian-born Laura Huxley, a teenage violin virtuoso, played for European royalty and made her American debut at Carnegie Hall before leaving the concert stage to become a renowned psychotherapist and author. In 1956 Laura married Aldous Huxley, author of BRAVE NEW WORLD, literary giant and prophet of the 20th century. In the conservative 1950s, the Huxley home in the Hollywood Hills was the center of the artistic and intellectual avant-garde of Los Angeles. Guests to their famous Saturday luncheons included George Cukor, Igor Stravinsky, Orson Welles and Christopher Isherwood. The Huxleys' passionate search to find higher levels of consciousness included their controversial experimentation with psychedelic drugs. Narrated by Peter Coyote and featuring interviews with such luminaries as John Densmore, Michael Murphy, Nick Nolte and Ram Dass, HUXLEY ON HUXLEY offers a compelling glimpse of Laura's life with Aldous, as well as the revolutionary and provocative work that had a major influence on American and contemporary cultural history. Bonus Features: Additional Interviews with Laura Huxley, John Densmore, Ram Dass, Don Bachardy, Huston Smith, Nick Nolte and David Dunaway: Photo Montage
Movie: Around India with a Movie Camera ( 2018 )
Drawn exclusively from the BFI National Archive, Around India with a Movie Camera features some of the earliest surviving film from India as well as gorgeous travelogues, intimate home movies and newsreels from British, French and Indian filmmakers. Taking in Maharajas and Viceroys, fakirs and farmhands and personalities such as Sabu and Gandhi, the film explores not only the people and places of over 70 years ago, but asks us to engage with broader themes of a shared history, shifting perspectives in the lead up to Indian independence and the ghosts of the past. Around India also features a superb new score that fuses western and Indian music from composer and sarod player Soumik Datta.
Movie: Once ( 2007 )
A modern-day musical about a busker and an immigrant and their eventful week in Dublin, as they write, rehearse and record songs that tell their love story.
Movie: A Nomad River ( 2021 )
"A Nomad River" is a blend of fictional and non-fictional narrative that looks at the world through a civilizational lens. This is a personal struggle of four ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, as they travel across India, an ancient civilization struggling with climate change, water crisis, poverty, and hygiene issues. As the threat of climate change and...Read all
Movie: The Pebble and the Boy ( 2021 )
The story follows John Parker, a 19 year old from Manchester who embarks on a journey to Brighton, the spiritual home of the Mods, on an old Lambretta scooter left to him by his father. The film is a celebration of Mod culture and fashion and features music by Paul Weller and The Jam.
Movie: Ishtar ( 1987 )
Two terrible lounge singers get booked to play a gig in a Moroccan hotel but somehow become pawns in an international power play between the C.I.A., the Emir of Ishtar, and the rebels trying to overthrow his regime.
Movie: The Most Dangerous Concert Ever: The Morricone Duel ( 2018 )
The Danish National Symphony Orchestra and the Danish National Concert Choir, led by conductor Sarah Hicks, perform selections from the films of Ennio Morricone and others.
Movie: Bread ( 1971 )
On their way home from the Isle of Wight Pop Festival, Jeff, Trev, and Mick, with girlfriends Marty and Cathy, decide to pitch a tent on private land. In the morning the land's owner Rafe finds them and orders them to leave, but he changes his mind when one of the girls emerges nude form the tent. Explaining that he only comes down to the house on weekends, Rafe says they can stay if they redecorate his house. The squatters agree, but once Rafe leaves, they decide to organize a pop festival at the house. The men try to force their girlfriends to make a blue movie to raise the cash. When this proves disastrous, Jeff goes to London and poses as a pop journalist so he can book the groups "Crazy Mabel" and "The Juicy Lucy" for the festival.
Movie: Topsy-Turvy ( 1999 )
Set in the 1880s, the story of how, during a creative dry spell, the partnership of the legendary musical/theatrical writers Gilbert and Sullivan almost dissolves, before they turn it all around and write the Mikado.
Movie: 42nd Street ( 1933 )
When the leading lady of a Broadway musical breaks her ankle, she is replaced by a young unknown actress, who becomes the star of the show.
Movie: A Little Bit of Heaven ( 1940 )
A 12-year-old singing sensation loses her voice when her parents refuse to give in to her harebrained schemes.
Movie: Sunny ( 1941 )
The beautiful Anna Neagle stars as a circus performer who falls in love with a rich car dealer's son, against her family's wishes. Features some spirited dance numbers with Ray Bolger.
Movie: I've Always Loved You ( 1946 )
A beautiful young concert pianist is torn between her attraction to her arrogant but brilliant maestro and her love for a farm boy she left back home.
Movie: Lady of Burlesque ( 1943 )
Sassy Dixie Daisy is the hot new attraction at a former opera house that's been turned into a burlesque theater. She's popular with the customers, although not with Lolita La Verne, a stuck-up diva who was hoping she'd get the top spot. Also complicating matters is the return of the Princess Nirvena, the show's former star who once had a fling with the boss. When the Princess blackmails her way into the top spot, Dixie is none too pleased. When both Lolita and the Princess are murdered, Dixie becomes a prime suspect. She then sets up a trap to nail the real killer.
Movie: Sweetie ( 1929 )
A chorus girl inherits a men's college where her boyfriend is a star football player.
Movie: The Second Greatest Sex ( 1955 )
In 1880, Osawkie, Kansas is feuding with rival town Mandaroon over which will be county seat, keeping the town's men away from home most of the time. The last straw is when Matt Davis feels compelled to go on a new foray on his wedding night; his bride Liza (just call her Lysistrata) takes teacher Cassie's advice and organizes a marital strike to make the men-folk stop their nonsense.
Movie: Centennial Summer ( 1946 )
In 1876 Philadelphia, two sisters vie for the affections of a Frenchman who's come to town to prepare the French pavilion for the Centennial exposition.
Movie: Gentlemen Marry Brunettes ( 1956 )
Two Broadway showgirls, who are also sisters, are sick and tired of New York, as well as getting nowhere. Quitting Broadway, the sisters decided to travel to Paris to become famous.
Movie: You Were Meant for Me ( 1948 )
1920's bandleader Chuck Arnold meets hometown girl Peggy at one of the band's dances and next day weds her. Though she loves him, life on the road becomes increasingly difficult for her, but it is the 1929 Crash that makes things really tough for the both of them.
Movie: Margie ( 1947 )
A woman reminisces about her teenage years in the 1920s, when she fell in love with her teacher.
Movie: The I Don't Care Girl ( 1953 )
This semi-film within a film opens in the office of producer George Jessel, who never saw a camera he couldn't get in front of, who is holding a story conference to determine the screen treatment for the life of Eva Tanguay, and Jess
Movie: South Pacific ( 1958 )
On a South Pacific island during World War II, love blooms between a young nurse and a secretive Frenchman who's being courted for a dangerous military mission.
Movie: Golden Girl ( 1951 )
Against the background of the Civil War, sixteen-year-old song-and-dance artiste Lotta Crabtree works her way across America, becoming ever more popular.
Movie: Down Among the Sheltering Palms ( 1953 )
War-weary Captain Willoby and his men are the occupation force on an island of lovely women...and are forbidden to fraternize.
Movie: Les Girls ( 1957 )
The former members of a dance troupe are suing because of recently published memoirs. Each one insists on own point of view.
Movie: Those Redheads from Seattle ( 1953 )
A woman takes her four beautiful daughters to Dawson City Yukon during the Gold Rush to find their fortune.
Movie: The Joker Is Wild ( 1957 )
Frank Sinatra plays Joe E. Lewis, a famous comedian of the 1930s-50s. When the movie opens, Lewis is a young, talented singer who performs in speakeasies. When he bolts one job for another, the mob boss who owns the first speakeasy has his thugs try to kill Lewis. Lewis survives, but his vocal cords are cut and he cannot sing. Several years later, his buddy tracks him down and tries to help him with little success. That attempt, though, leads to Lewis meeting Letty Page (Jeanne Crain). They fall in love and she inspires him to follow up on an offer to become a comedian (a result of his buddy's failed attempt to rejuvenate his singing career). Lewis has problems, though. The assault that nearly cost him his life also helped turn him into an alcoholic and an inveterate gambler. These two character defects become the basis for his act and help to make him a smash success. Unfortunately, they also work to wreak havoc in his personal life.
Movie: Rock My World ( 2002 )
Elderly aristocrats Lord Charles (Peter O'Toole) and Lady Diana Foxley (Dame Joan Plowright) give their staff - butler Benson (Ian Downie) and cook Margaret (Helen Beavis) - a one week vacation while the Foxleys visit friends as they have rented out their historic mansion for that week to a multinational corporation. As they are proud people, what no one but the Foxleys are aware of is that they are doing so only because they are in dire financial straits, and desperately need the money to retain their outwardly lavish lifestyle. But when the agency through which they hired the temporary cook and butler for the renters goes bankrupt, leaving them with no temporary staff, Lady Diana believes the only way they can get away with this rental plan without incurring a costly penalty or to advertise their financial problems is to act as "Benson" and "Margaret" themselves, much against stuffy Lord Charles' wishes and despite they not knowing how to be domestics. What the Foxleys are unaware of is that the multinational corporation is a front for Global Heresy, young immature American rock stars whose record company has set up this stint as a secret retreat location for them to test their new materials. It is also their first opportunity to rehearse with their new bassist Natalie Bevan (Alicia Silverstone), as their original bassist and the band's front man, Ben Gould (Alex Karzis), mysteriously disappeared two months ago and is supposedly deceased based on what little evidence is available. It becomes a clash of cultures between the proper Foxleys and the wild band. It also proves to be a clash within the five member band, as Nat is trying to be her own person and not a Ben Gould clone. Further problems arise that week as the record company's hospitality man, James Chancellor (Martin Clunes), has ulterior motives in his job at the mansion, and as two unexpected guests arrive who could upset the apple cart both on the Foxley and the band's sides of the issue.