Gemma Collins: Diva Forever (2018)
BladesofTroy -1 points 4 years ago.

Yeah the whole fame thing always seemed weird to me. I have musician friends and fame is one of the major drivers in their lives. Granted it is so they can spend their lives playing music but ultimately I think they’d sell out personal taste ect to do that. Personally I’d rather have recognition for something I do well or have worked hard for but the whole limelight thing couldnt interest me less.

kingarco66 -1 points 4 years ago.

the seeking of fame for its own sake reminds me of the old timey greek idea of “kudos” .. tho these days it seems also to be about sponsorship and dollars by default, like its the same thing .. who ever heard of a famous poor person? unless theyre a villain type, like the 9/11 hijackers etc