DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (2022)
somniloquist 3 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

One of the nicest things this series does is to step well away from the trope of serial killer as mastermind. It’s the coward’s way out to portray these people as genius level hunters evading capture, rather than expose the ineptitude of law enforcement and ignorance of family and acquaintances.
Throughout this series we see Dahmer show distinct warning signs in school, be discharged from the army rather than addressing his sexual predation, ask his father for help. We see a judge handwave a conviction for assaulting a minor because Dahmer “reminded him of his own son” and cops completely drop everything and all but run away when homosexuality is mentioned. We see a blatant criminal believed again and again for the color of his skin, and victims, neighbors, and witnesses disbelieved because of theirs.
Jeffrey Dahmer wasn’t a mastermind. He was allowed to do what he did by law enforcement, the armed forces, the justice system, and others. Hell, a victim ran out of his apartment into the street and begged police for help. They returned him to Dahmer’s apartment. He was 14. And, finally, this is a portrayal that doesn’t sugarcoat that with a sparkling veneer of some kind of super human acumen for murder.