1923 (2022)
Piglet 1 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

One reason why I have no use for organized religion! I am a christian but have not been to church in many, many years. Even my own mother hid behind her religion and thought her physical abuse was what the bible said to do to her children! One reason why I never had kids, didn’t want to do to them what she did to me and my brother. What happens to us as children/teens shapes us into the adults we become. And we can become that parent or go in a different direction. Some take the path of drugs/alcohol which is the path we didn’t take. I’m totally different than my mother. At least the people who inflicted such pain and death did have to answer to the Lord. We can hope the wound up in H__, a certain kind of H_!

starphlo 1 points 1 year ago.

So sorry you went through that Piglet but glad you and your brother came through to the other side and are okay now. I also had a rough childhood with a militant christian mother and absent father. I am pretty much against all of organized religion now but do like Buddhism.

I went to look up the name of a movie for you, The Magdalene Sisters, and saw that there are lots of movies on the Catholic church’s abuse that I haven’t seen. Not sure if I will watch them tho because I get too upset!