Star Trek: Picard (2020) S3 E10
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It was so wonderful visiting with all these “old friends” from back in the day, all with some years on ‘em, just like us fans. There were many emotional moments; a kind of sorry-it’s-over-but-happy-we-had-it kind of show, capping off a great series. I was well pleased by the conclusion of this episode but why the fork they included the loathsome Q coming to stick his nasty nose in is a mystery to me. I thought I had read that this was the final season - and it had an excellent ending right until then.
Anyway, very high marks from me for the show, the actors, the sets, and the glorious music!

BUDDHA 1 points 1 year ago.

Q was the whole reason for the borg in the first place, they had to complete the circle.