Asteroid City (2023)
augusts1 1 points 9 months ago.

I agree on most every one of your points here. I’ve watched all his films & love them all to varying degrees but have yet to be unable to sit through one of his films. The acting can be difficult to sit through due to it being at times very dry & staid but it’s done w/the purpose of telling the story & message w/o the bother of emotions getting in the way too much. I do need to be in a particular mood to watch his movies & yes, they are definitely an acquired taste. My first WA movie was The Royal Tenenbaums which I bought w/o seeing anything about it. The cast alone drew me in. My favorite WA movie is The Darjeeling Limited due to the chemistry between the 3 main character brothers. They are so funny. I also really love the beautiful landscapes of India & the vivid colors shown in the set design. Just a visually striking film.

Alien 1 points 9 months ago*.

Moonrise Kingdom, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Grand Budapest Hotel along with The Darjeeling Limited are my favorites. His casts are always remarkable.