The Day the '60s Died (2015)
grasshopper rex 3 points 7 months ago.

Actually, there are plenty of songs protesting police violence and social injustice. A Rolling Stones article from 2016 entitled Songs of Black Lives Matter: 22 New Protest Anthems is but the tip of the iceberg. Many, many more have been written since then. This Land by Gary Clark Jr. is a powerful message about his own experiences. I could guess why it is that your perception is that black artists aren’t writing about these issues and no, none of my guesses would be blaming you or condemning you in any way. Instead, I’ll leave it to you ponder the question. Peace.

AmieWarren 3 points 7 months ago.

Honestly, I don’t like rap, and I know there are probably a lot of rap protest songs, but I just don’t hear them. Sorry. I used to like rap back in the day when it was about making yourself and your life better and helping other people. Then it got to be about hos and bros and drugs and violence, so I don’t listen to it anymore. Sad. I’m sure there are a lot of very meaningful rap songs, but some bad apples spoiled it for me.