The Winter King (2023) S1 E8
JadeEnigma 3 points 6 months ago.

I had been considering this, but you make a very strong argument against it, thank you!

DownrightDebonaire 2 points 6 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They are based on books I’ve never read. It’s nothing like Mists of Avalon, or other Excaliber mystical storylines.

That being said the last 3 episodes have been focused on Arthur declaring his word as his bond, loyalty & honor are the true reason to stand with him, then immediately goes against his word through acts of disloyalty or dishonorable decisions. I think people are not ready for an Arthur that isn’t altruistic. If you want to check that out it’s an interesting watch. At the end of the day this is probably how people behaved back then — history is written by the victor with rose colored glasses. Not that this is real history but you know.