Faraway Downs (2023)
Alien 2 points 5 months ago*.

Because it’s just the movie divided into 6 episodes. As for ep. 1, nothing new has been added. Not sure if anything has been taken away. I’m trying to figure out why they did this. I might need Google’s assistance on that point. But for anyone who has watched the movie there’s nothing to see here. But it does stir up a desire to rewatch the movie. The movie is gorgeous! https://www.primewire.tf/movie/946340-australia

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 5 months ago.

I think this looks gorgeous, and since I didn’t see the movie, I have nothing to compare it to.. Aloha, Hope you and all else is well. Blessings for a peaceful Holiday season. I cant access chat ever, it just disappeared on me. yeah, I clicked the right buttons, asked for help etc. It’s all good because LIFE is a big BUSY machine, and I’m happy with that. :)