Beacon 23 (2023) S1 E8
greyfur 4 points 5 months ago.

I love Sci-Fi, even what Rex calls ‘Cerebral Sci-Fi’, but in all honesty, I couldn’t get past the first episode. Even though they have the second season already filmed, I’m willing to bet this gets canceled without it being aired. While there might be a small following for this, I’m willing to bet that it’s pretty minuscule. ‘Boring as hell’ seems to be a pretty apt description…

grasshopper rex 6 points 4 months ago.

While I’m not a huge fan of ratings, they do give a pretty good idea of what the general public thinks about a show. TVMaze has a 6.7. IMDb a 5.5 from 1.7K users. Rotten a 61% audience score. That is an overall favorable rating from 3 different sites. Those numbers aren’t great, but they do indicate that there is far more than a miniscule fan base. I hate to think of all the great stories I would have missed out on just because they didn’t immediately galvanize my attention.