Leave the World Behind (2023)
ThinMan 5 points 5 months ago.

Anti-whitism?? Creative word play is always the sign of wanting to convince and persuade at any cost. This was a completely fictionalized movie, not a documentary. I hope you are aware, and if not I would like to politely inform you, there are sites completely devoted to these matters. However, this is strictly a movie/series site. It’s really unfortunate that you feel the need to interject that propaganda here. Please, go to the other sites. They will be so happy to have you join them. Those who are here to discuss films and shows, are not so happy. Thanks very much.

JadeEnigma 4 points 5 months ago*.

Yeah, wasn’t that something? I chose not to engage, because that always gets me into trouble, but I love to see others calling people out on their ridiculous remarks.