Narvik: Hitler's First Defeat (2023)
AmieWarren 2 points 2 months ago*.

“other nations did their part into bringing him into power”
Sort of like Russia and China want our ex-President (he whose name shall not be spoken) to once again be in the White House? They wanted Hitler because he was insane and could be manipulated. Same same here. Evil will only triumph for a short while, then it will be defeated by the forces of good.
I admire your lifelong study of history. Too few people know their country’s history, and most don’t care to. That’s why they become sheeple, believing the lies of the autocrats.

dosmundos 0 points 2 months ago.

Russia and China were our allies in every World war, you know, the good guys. If any one country wanted an insane manipulatable president of the USA they got their wish Jan 6th 2021. If you want to talk about ‘neutrality’ let’s not forget to mention the country that sat on it’s ass for 2 years while London was bombed. If Japan hadn’t attacked Pearl Harbour and Germany declared war on them all of Germany would be now speaking Russian.