Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
Krl246 -4 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Harris was a terrible writer of females and characters outside the normal sexual spectrum. In my opinion that ending is a travesty to the character and strength of Clarice Starling. While Jody Foster is a great actress who’s professionalism carried through into the role with great affect. I never read Hannibal for that very reason.

MissMorgue 2 points 4 years ago.

There are plenty of people who are terrible writers in general, you choosing to dismiss the canonical ending of a book series because it doesn’t suit your agenda or what you believe should be done when writing women doesn’t mean you’re right. The series ends with them together. And I wasn’t talking about Jodie Foster, as she was only in the first film, Julianne Moore was the one who reprised the role of Clarice Starling in the film adaptation of Hannibal.