Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt? (2014)
ΜΥΓΑΣ -2 points 2 months ago.

One of the most interesting films I’ve seen in years. I heard alot of trash talk about the three films and my low expectations were pleasantly surprised. I’m not shure I totally agree with the philosophy of the auther but there is a large chunk of truth to it. I even found the different cast for each film refreshing. It is part of the message and integrity of the filmakers, I feel: It’s a bit anti-Hollywood…in that it allows the viewer to focus more on the story and less on film star power. I read complaints about the acting and It was probably because of the lack of this Hollywood “film star power”, otherwise the acting was just fine. I would urge everyone to ignore the imbesiles of this sort. For those that -like me - would not want to read the novel, the films though not masterpieces of cinema, will have to do.