Hunter Killer (2018)
v8nlw 3 points 5 years ago.

A very enjoyable action movie. The acting is good and Gerard Butler sells it well giving a very credible performance as a ‘peoples’ Captain. (didn’t go through the academy, school of hard knocks etc). The only thing that lets it down is that the whole plot hinges upon a Russian General who for some inexplicable reason has decided to take over control of the Countries armed forces. As there is very little in the way of back story and build up it leaves you with a sense of ‘What’ the ????
Oh, one more thing that lets it down being the underwater graphics showing a submarine with a sharper turning radius than a Speed Boat. I don’t think they were going for technical detail here, just impact and adrenalin.

All in all a great one time watch with lots of fist bumping and camaraderie going on.