The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live (2024) S1 E6
kraichgau 1 points 1 month ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

from a world,where they ran out of bullets,gasolin etc untill they were riding and back to the middle ages,now they “found” a group with helis,gas grenades and every modern weapon in their disposal…
the original ending of the comic was much better

greyfur 1 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Ya know, in truth, if enough people had survived, and that could have happened, there is no reason they could have not have built something like that back up with the right people and know how. bullets are easy. The rest are on military bases all over the place under lockdown and hid in storage all over the place if you know where to look. No one stopping you from ‘knowing’ where to look now.

Truth be told, I never read the comic, but read some stuff on it once, and from what I read, I think your probably right.