The Running Man
ThinMan 2 points 21 days ago.

Stephen King is a difficult adaptation. He fleshes out each and every character in a way that few directors/actors/screen writers are capable of. I hope this is more like his more recent adaptations in the last couple of years, whilst they deviated, they still held the mesmerising essence that only SK can give a story in its complexity.

grasshopper rex 3 points 21 days ago.

I think the problem lies in the fact that while there is some overlap in the different mediums, print and film, for the most part they are very different audiences. Hollywood is much more profit driven, and it’s difficult to keep their users as interested while building characters and the story.

I’m a big King fan, and I could ramble on indefinitely about my thoughts and observations of the man and his works, but I’ll spare everyone that. lol