Witches in the Woods (2019)
BellaMia1 -4 points 4 years ago.

Man, they didn’t even try to produce something worthwhile for us the audience. Cliche and generic. I mean, these people were supposed to be “snowboarders” right? You’d think they’d know a thing or two about dressing properly, and having the right gear. Or even, some survival skills? No? No need for that. It’s tasteless, has nothing new to show that hasn’t been done before, and MUCH BETTER.

mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

What are you talking about? “Snowboarders” don’t by default need to know wilderness survival skills. They usually go to ski resorts. Most of the people in the car had no idea where exactly they were going. Dressing properly. They were dressed properly. Doesn’t mean you can survive in -20F temperatures for extended periods of time. I thought it was kind of interesting that it was left so open ended.