Batwoman (2019) S1 E4
Euringer -5 points 4 years ago*.

I’m paying attention but clearly you aren’t. One show out of 5 with a gay main isn’t something to complain about like you have. The Flash has 2 gay -featured characters- Legends of Tomorrow has one gay lead out of 5 leads, Black Lightning has 1 gay lead out of 5 leads, Supergirl has 0 gay leads, Arrow has 0 gay leads. You’re complaining about a slightly disproportionate amount of side characters + a handful of gay leads like it’s a much bigger deal than it really is, while once again, ignoring the actual demographic issues that come up. And pretending that gay people -existing- on television is pushing an “SJW” agenda is obvious political nonsense that shows you don’t actually care about fairness or equal representation. Support equal representation on all fronts, including jobs being given to black and female actors, rather than just complaining about minorities getting -some- of the jobs.

greyfur -1 points 4 years ago.

Arrow has Mr. Terrific, who is gay, and a big part of the cast, in most episodes, and they changed him drastically, just to start, and in Supergirl, there is a Transgender who is integral to the show now who is the love interest on Braniac. Both are main cast members. Might do you well to pay attention to what I am saying before you comment on what I have said.Clearly you are NOT paying attention. Again, Mainly a CW issue, have had to stress this more then once with you, but you seem to keep overlooking this, intentionally, and making this a broader stroke mainstream television issue, which is not what I said.
While I’m at it, how about you stop trying to race bait. Every time you comment, you try and make this a race issue. I never tried to make this an over all race issue, with the exception of noting the CW make relationships in general mixed by and large in many of it’s shows, and you would have a hard time proving that wrong in the shows I have mentioned. Many of the relationships in these shows are same, but many are mixed, but they try to promote it like if a same race relationship is a bad thing, almost like a male female relationship is a bad thing.
This isn’t about race, and the numbers mentioned before had nothing to do with race, so you might want to go back and re read the prior conversations and get some context.