Legend of the Seeker (2008) S1 E3
Canuckian 1 points 4 years ago.

Even after only a couple episodes, this show has stayed fairly true to the source material, though very superficially. As usual, the books are SO much more in depth and have the latitude to delve farther into details and relationships between the characters than a 42 min show can..ie. the relationship between Zed and Adie for example…in the books, they knew each other quite well yet in the show, Zed has no clue who she is in the last episode…so yeah, stuff like that. As for the relationship between Richard and Kahlen, it took the entire first book before they became close like they already have in only 2 episodes, so it is DEFINITELY moving much faster. Still, it is kinda neat to see characters i know well on screen lol. Glad i found this show.