Seven Worlds, One Planet (2019)
magically_delicious 3 points 4 years ago*.

BBC One/David Attenborough never disappoint in terms of excellence in visual and factual standards. David Attenborough’s narration adds to the excellence, as does the dedication of the teams that work “alongside” David and immerse themselves in literally months of rigorous work to capture the extraordinary animal life on this planet. This series is especially poignant as David and his teams have captured not just the beauty, but the tragedy, of life on this planet and how humans are now pushing other animals to the brink of extinction by the dozens, some of which have only been discovered as a result of human destruction of once wild areas. The adaptations that other animals must face in order to survive is nearly heroic. Satellite image data of the expansion of civilisation encroaching on vital wild areas (over the last several decades) is bone chilling. This series is highly recommended, and 100% vital viewing.