A Very Yorkshire Brothel (2019)
magically_delicious 1 points 4 years ago.

A depressing look at the British prostitution industry. I have to say, they quote red heads being natural and big girls being rare, when it’s obvious that under size 18 is rare (here) and red is so vibrant it’s about as natural as my pink, turquoise and purple hair. I’ve no issue with the legalisation of prostitution. It’s something people do anyways, and health checks and certificates of standard would be beneficial. This is small beer. I’m just (sorry to all those that are going to complain) gob smacked at how ALL the women are LARGE. Like saying you’ve got EE breasts, but you’re a size 24 is just… well… gosh… desperate. Ok. Live and let live.

starshineontop 0 points 4 years ago.

You forgot to mention the robot, LOL. This is a sad show